
When All Seems Lost: Finding Strength in Faith

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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A sermon exploring how to find strength and renewal in our faith when we feel completely drained.


Life can often leave us feeling drained and exhausted. We may find ourselves running on empty, lacking joy, love, and peace. In these moments, we can turn to the story of Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana as a source of inspiration and guidance. This sermon will explore what we can do when we feel depleted and how we can find strength in God.

Recognizing the Source

Just as Mary knew where to turn when the wine ran out at the wedding, we too must seek out our source of strength. Our ultimate source is God, who is the author of life and the provider of all our needs. In times of emptiness, we must turn to Him and seek His guidance and provision.

Embracing the Discipline of Waiting

Mary demonstrated patience and trust when Jesus told her that His time had not yet come. Waiting can be a spiritual discipline that allows us to align ourselves with God's timing and purpose. By patiently waiting on Him, we can find renewed strength and direction.

Obeying God's Instructions

The servants at the wedding followed Jesus' instructions to fill the jars with water, even though it may have seemed illogical at the time. Similarly, we must be willing to obey God's instructions, even when they don't make sense to us. By trusting in His wisdom and guidance, we can experience His miraculous provision and transformation in our lives.

Accepting Our Limitations

Sometimes, we need to accept that there are things beyond our control and capabilities. We must recognize our limitations and surrender them to God. By acknowledging our weaknesses and relying on His strength, we can find rest and peace in Him.


In conclusion, when our wine runs out and we feel depleted, we can find strength in God by recognizing Him as our ultimate source, embracing the discipline of waiting, obeying His instructions, and accepting our limitations. Just as Bob Wieland, a double amputee, completed the New York City Marathon by running on his hands, we too can endure and overcome adversity with God's strength. Let us press on towards the goal, trusting in God's provision and guidance every step of the way. May God bless us with His words and empower us to find strength in Him.

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