
Summary: Fear is a Spirit and has torment! So if the bible said God did not give us, then where did we get it from?

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At every point in our lives, we must have been afraid of one thing or the other. But you either Live your dreams or live your fears.

Most people are not doing all they want to do or pursuing their dreams, their goals, and aspirations just because of one thing: FEAR

For some, it's the fear of attending that interview

for some, it's fear of rejection

For some, it's the fear of a loud sound

For some, it's the fear of falling

For some, it's the fear of darkness

For some, it's speaking in front of a large audience

for some, it's the fear to say NO without feeling guilty

To some, it's the Fear of change

And to many the fear of Failure!

Of all the types of fear known to mankind, it’s only two of them that we are born with: Fear of Falling and fear of loud sounds. The rest we learn.

I will love to fly a jet; I will love to swim but I am sooooo fearful! What are the things you will like to do but because of fear

You’re not doing?

Take a moment to think about those things.

Remember life is about growth: you can either go back to your comfort zone where you won't find any growth or be willing to go forward and face your fears.

It's time you make a change. However, change is a choice! You make your choice and your choice makes you. You either change or remain in the chain!

That which you want to do do it whatever the circumstance. Don't hold back because an impression without an expression leads to depression!

Whatever your fear or phobia you can overcome your fears! Because it is unfounded.

Zig Ziglar has described FEAR with an acronym - False Evidence Appearing Real. Yes!

It is false and it only appears real but NOT real.

We are even afraid sometimes to be ourselves because we don't want to hurt other people's feelings hence placing a limit on our potential, our dreams, and aspirations.

In the Scripture says: Paul was instructing a young man named Timothy saying:

Therefore, I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear,

but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Fear is an enemy to stirring up our gifts, and fulfilling our dreams and visions!

So my question is if God did not give us where did we get it from?

Whenever we are overwhelmed, or outnumbered, we are likely to be afraid. Please don't freak out! It's normal

Whenever an angel wants to deliver a message the first thing they say is Fear NOT or don't be afraid.

Whenever God wants to deliver messages in the days of old, the first statement is always Fear NOT.

It has been said that there are 365 FEAR NOT in the bible. which means God has prepared one Fear NOT for each day including leap years.

Today as you listen to me, I say to you fear NOT!

You remember I said everyone feel the fear but how do we manage the situation?

We feel the fear and do it anyway!

I have talked myself out of doing so many things earlier in life as a younger man.

I knew I could do it

I'm sure I can do it

I tell myself I can do it better

I tell myself it's possible.

But when it is time to act, I give 100s of excuses and reasons why I can't do it, Why I am not suitable, and why others are better than me!

I guess this sounds familiar to you right?

You're not alone.

Remember I said most of our fears are unfounded?

Let me give you an example of my personal experience when I newly moved to the United Kingdom.

You receive loads of letters every day and it becomes scary when a particular letter comes more frequently.

It even becomes scarier when the color of the letter has changed from Black to Red. It means you're in trouble.

Now, the content of the letter is not the trouble but the fact that you stop opening and reading the letter after a while. Because you're afraid.

Eventually, you receive a different form of a letter with some sort of legal action! and it just gets worse.

I summoned the courage on an occasion and opened the letter (Parking ticket by the way) and found out that they are open to communications and negotiations

and as a matter of fact, they want to know why I did not respond to their communications and they want to know how to help so they can make the payment

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