
Summary: What does it mean to be made in God's image?

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We are continuing our study on what we believe and why and today we are back in Genesis looking at the creation of mankind, starting with Adam and Eve. I heard that Adam was sitting in the Garden of Eden, talking to God one day and he said, "God, you've given me life, the purpose of naming every animal, and plenty of food to eat. You've made me comfortable, kept me well fed, and a sense of purpose. However, I'm feeling quite lonely; is there anything you can do to fix that?"

God replies, "I will give you a partner, and she will be called "Eve". She will stand by you, and support you. She will lift you up, obey your rules, and be at your right hand whenever you ask. She will bear your children, and raise them to your liking. She will feed you, clothe you, and take care of you. She will be beautiful, graceful, and warm, never being a problem. She will be kind, caring, thoughtful, and will always be there for you. But, it is going to cost you one arm and one leg."

Adam thinks for a second and says "Hmm. That sounds expensive. What can I get for a rib?"

I don't know if that is exactly the way it happened but it was sort of like that. Let's take a look at Genesis 1 and see how it actually went down. Genesis chapter one is an overview of all creation including Adam and Eve. Then chapter two goes into the story a little deeper and tells how God put Adam to sleep and took a rib from him and created Eve from that rib.

I want us to think about what we believe about this because what happened with the very first couple thousands of years ago is more relevant today than ever. This passage is more than just history although it is that. It also speaks to the issue of sex and gender. It addresses the Trinity. It lets us know what our roles as humans are but specifically it addresses why we are here. That's one of the biggest, deepest questions ever considered. Why are we as humans here on this earth?

Turn to Genesis 1:26-30 and let's see what it says.

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth." 29 And God said, "See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. 30 Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food"; and it was so.

Now, you may not believe this but I just happen to have the very first photograph of Adam and Eve. It's obviously very old and very rare. I believe it is a tintype photograph. If you ever wondered what the first couple looked like, now you know. I'm sorry it's not very clear. You can imagine what kind of camera was used back in the day.

This picture was obviously taken before they chose to sin. I'm glad they are modestly standing behind some tall grass here because scripture tells us they were naked at this time. And since it was before they sinned, this is a perfect picture of what it looks like to be made in God's image.

The problem is that sin did come into the picture not long after this was taken and do you know what happened to the image? *crumple picture* Sin messes everything up. Sin distorts the picture. The first couple doesn't look the same. You can still tell that it is them but they don't look like they should anymore.

It's the same with us today. God made us all to be image-bearers of Him. And what does God look like? Well, we know that God is spirit (John 4:24) so we know He is not talking about how we look physically. Aren't you glad God doesn't look physically like I do? You would definitely pray with your eyes closed if that were the case but it's not. God is saying that we are made in His image spiritually but also in some ways we are made like Him mentally, morally, emotionally, socially and relationally.

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