
Summary: The tragedy of September 11, 2001 was intended to have a different outcome against the nation and the church. But what was intended for has been turned to our good.

“What Was Meant For Will Be Turned For Our Good”

Genesis 50:19-20 Text

The Living Bible relays verse 20 in a powerful fashion. “As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for , …” (Genesis 50:20a TLB)

When the ist attacked the WTC and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, (as well as a thwarted attack on possible targets such Camp David or Air Force 1), they expected a different outcome.

a. They attacked the symbols of America’s economic prosperity, military strength and democratic way of life.

b. They supposed this attack would strike America’s foundation causing the nation to crumble.

Rather than these cowardice assaults destroying the nation, it has had a different effect. The nation began to pull together and what was thought to destroy us as a nation will actually make us stronger.

Our President George W. Bush made this statement, “Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of America’s tallest buildings, but it cannot shake the foundations of America”. I would add to this, “and it will not shake the foundation of the church of the Living God.”

There was an unseen enemy behind the attacks, not solely the radicals in the natural realm. This enemy is the one we read about in Ephesians 6:12. I am certain, he thought this attack would rob the church of our hope and joy, but it has a different impact. I am certain he thought this would certainly turn people against the Living God, but again it has had a different outcome.

What has been meant for will be turned into good.

a. Psalm 126: 1-2 “ when the Lord turned against the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. The as our mouth filled with laughter, and out tongue with singing; then said they among the heathen (nations), The Lord hath done great things for them.

This has been turned for our good because:

I. It called us out of our complacency.

a. It has been a wake-up call for the Church and society in general.

b. A few weeks ago, a placard, which reads, “In God We Trust” was being challenged as to whether it was Constitutional to be placed on the walls of public buildings.

c. Signs all over every city in the nation, including public and governmental buildings declare, “God Bless You”, “God Bless the U.S.A”., “Pray For us in the U.S”. and “IN GOD WE TRUST”!

d. The national news has carried various interviews from our President, our Congressman and Senators, clergy and others who have quoted parts of Psalm 46, Psalm 91 and Psalm 23.

II. It put prayer back in public view.

a. At noon on the Friday following the tragedy, it was asked for people spend time in prayer.

b. Even in the public schools, where prayer has been banned, students were encourage to “pray” or spend a moment in silence

III. It placed our priorities in perspective.

a. Suddenly those things that seem to be the most

urgent were postponed for the important and necessary.

The N.F.L., NASCAR, the NASDAQ were no longer the priority of the hour. Rather it was FAMILIES, CHURCH and COUNTRY.

b. It was reported than even the high-energy bustle of New York City, with horns blowing and yelling was quiet as the pace slowed down considerable.

c. Have you notice that during this time there are no Democrats, no Republicans, No Independents, barriers are broken and we are simply Americans.

Conclusion: This tragedy that was meant to destroy the very core of this great country has failed miserably. The unseen spiritual attack on the Church has utterly failed. For as the days go by, the Church will still be standing strong built upon the Foundation of Jesus Christ

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