
What Unites Us

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Despite our differences, gratitude can bring us together and foster unity.

What Unites Us

Youth Group Plan: What Unites Us (Acts 2:44-47, Romans 3:20-24)

Youth Sermon: What Unites Us


You know, I was reading this survey from last year that said a lot of people who supported Trump or Biden didn't have any close friends who supported the other guy. Kinda crazy, right? We tend to hang out with people who think the same way we do, and that can sometimes make us forget about what we have in common.

I have a friend who actually lied to her mom about who she was voting for because they were arguing so much. It's pretty sad when our differences get in the way of our relationships.

We tend to hang out with people who think the same way we do, and that can sometimes make us forget about what we have in common.

The Early Church

Now, let's take a trip back in time to the early church. These guys were from all over the place, different backgrounds, different beliefs. They were often looked down on and even persecuted. But guess what? They stuck together.

Every Sunday, they would have communion. This was a time to remember God's grace and to be thankful. They would give thanks before taking communion and then share prayers of gratitude afterwards.

Acts 2:44-47

Let's read Acts 2:44-47.

[Read passage]

See, gratitude was what brought these early believers together, even though they were so different and had so many challenges.

Gratitude in Today's World

Now, let's think about us, today. We can let our differences divide us. We can argue and hurt each other with our words. But what if we focused on gratitude instead?

Social media can be a real mess, right? We post our opinions without thinking about how it might affect others. We need to be kind, patient, and show self-control. We need to extend grace to each other.

The Power of Gratitude

The early church knew that gratitude was powerful. It kept them united. They preached about grace and encouraged each other to be thankful.

So, here's the object lesson. I want you to think of a piece of string. On its own, it's pretty weak, right? But when you weave a bunch of pieces together, it becomes a strong rope. That's what gratitude can do for us. It can weave us together, make us stronger.

What if we started expressing gratitude for each other? If we thanked God for each other, our hearts would soften and our differences wouldn't seem so big.

The Psalmist knew this. He said that we enter the gates of the Lord with thanksgiving and praise.

Challenge for the Week

So, here's your challenge for this week. Every day, find one person to express gratitude for. It could be a friend, a family member, a teacher, anyone. See how it changes your perspective.

Closing Prayer

Let's pray together.

Lord, help us to see the good in each other, to be grateful for each other, and to remember the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. Why do you think gratitude can bring people together?

2. Can you share a time when expressing gratitude made a difference in a relationship?

3. How can we practice gratitude in our daily lives?

4. How can we show gratitude to people we disagree with or don't get along with?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Gratitude Circle

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