
Summary: Instructions and heeding instructions

What The MOST HIGH says to HIS children for 2023-2024 season.

Proverbs 31:2 ( Please note: HIS children only.)

1. I will give you peace. I will give you rest.

2. This is your season of Shalom.

3. Praise ME. Let your HalleluYAH fill the air, to ME .

4. Let ME do the talking.

5. You do not own yourself.

6. You are the light of the world. Walk in the light.

7. Do not compromise.

8. Be thankful. Count your blessings.

9. Do everything in love.

10. Stop being stubborn. Remember Balaam. Let MY will be done. Co-operate. To obey is better than sacrifice.

11. If you have charms and occultic materials and are into witchcraft, repent. If you trust or hope in man, money or materials, repent.

12. I AM not a man. AS far as east is from the west, so MY ways differ from yours.

13. Learn the lesson of your circumstances or the lesson will be repeated.

My burden is easy, MY yoke is light. I have not changed. See the burdens and yokes that have been placed on you and the ones you placed on yourself.

Come to ME. Come back to ME. Abide in ME.

I love you. I AM here with you.

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