
Summary: In-depth look at the state of the church, its problem, and Biblical solutions

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“What The Church Needs Now”


Years ago, a song came out, that became popular with music lovers. It was titled, “What The World Needs Now”. According to this song, What The World Needs Now is Love, Sweet Love. It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.”

Well, the world went out and tried to find a brand of love, and came up short. They tried to find love in partying, but love wasn’t there. They tried to find love in drugs, but love wasn’t there. They tried to find love in sex, but it wasn’t there, either.

Why couldn’t the world find love. Because they didn’t try to find it in God. For, true and lasting love can only be found in Christ. I John 4 verses 7 & 8 tells us, “… love is of God; …” and “… God is love.”

This morning I’d like to borrow a thought from that song, and change it to What The Church Needs Now!

The text for today’s message is found in Hebrews 4, verses 15 and 16. The Bible reads, “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”


The idea that the church, the body of Christ, stands in need, may be offensive to some. After all, our Father has the cattle on a thousand hills. The Gospels tell us to ask whatsoever we ask, and it will be done for us. Scripture is clear when it says that our sufficiency is found in Christ, our ‘all in all’.

Yet, in the quiet recesses of your heart, you know that the church, the body of Christ, … this church, your church, our church, stands in need. This need cannot be met through drugs. This need cannot be met through alcohol. This need cannot be purchased at the local Wal-Mart or convenient store.

The need that I speak of today is too big for Wal-Mart. Today, the church, the body of Christ stands in need. And there is only One Source that can meet this need. And that Source is Jesus.

Point #1:

Today, the church stands in need of One Pilot, and NO Co-pilots.

For too long, the church has relegated our High Priest to being half in charge…two-thirds in charge… 75% in charge. Instead of being King of kings and Lord of lords, …the phrase ‘in Jesus name’ has become a rubber stamp for things that we want to do. ‘Prayerfully consider’ is just another way for us to tell others not to challenge our carnal decisions or actions.

Hebrews 4 tells me that that our High Priest is not a wooden idol that cannot feel. Our High Priest isn’t a piece of stone that cannot hear. Dear Christian, our High Priest is a Priest that can feel, and does feel. He knows what it’s like to be misunderstood. He knows what it’s like to have His good works called bad. He knows what it’s like to have friends and family forsake Him. He knows what it’s like to have co-laborers deny even knowing Him.

Our High Priest knows what it’s like to be tempted with sin in the wee morning hours. He has heard the devil tell Him, ‘Go ahead. No One will ever know.’ Our High Priest has been touched by every stinging, and piercing temptation known to man. Yet, He remains without sin.

Knowing this, we should be anxious to let Him be King of kings and Lord of lords!. We should be anxious to make Him our King and our Lord. We should be anxious to let He take the reins of our lives and guide our paths! We should be anxious to tell Him, “Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah: pilgrim though this barren land. I am weak, but thou art mighty; hold me with thy powerful hand!”

But instead of being anxious, the church has become offended because they have been commanded to wait on the Lord. Instead of being anxious, the church has become consumed with doing things according to the ways of man. Instead of being anxious, the church has become “I-centered”, instead of “Christ-centered”

Brothers and Sisters, What The Church Needs Now” is to let God be God! What the Church Needs Now, is to let God be true and every man a liar. What The Church Needs Now is to let God be the Pilot, Co-Pilot, Flight Attendant, Radio Tower Operator, Baggage Clerk, Air Traffic Controller, and every other position in our life; leaving us to be a simple passenger, who is going along for the ride.

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