"What's So Amazing About Grace?"
Contributed by Jerry Depoy on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Two points: What the prodigal son expected: disgrace. What the prodigal son received: grace!
Title: “What is so Amazing about Grace?”
Introduction: What is grace?
I sang the song, "When God Ran," in Church on Sunday morning. Here are some of its’ words:
Then he ran to me. He took me in his arms, held my head to his chest, said “My Son’s come home again!”
He lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes, with forgiveness in his voice he said, “Son, do you know I still love you!”
You wonder, Why did the prodigal Son leave home to begin with?
He wanted to be his own God. Therefore he was easily deceived:
1. He was deceived about what money could buy.
2. He was deceived about the pleasure of sin.
3. He was deceived about who his real friends were.
4. He was deceived about himself.
There are only two points to the message that I bring today:
1. What the prodigal son expected… disgrace.
2. What the prodigal son received… grace.
He expected that his Father would treat him as Older Brother did: (Digrace)
1. That he would be forgotten.
2. That he would be disowned.
3. That he would be severely disciplined.
4. That he would be ridiculed.
5. That he would be made a servant. (That was his best hope)
What the prodigal son did not expect: (Grace)
1. That his Father would be waiting for him at the end of the driveway.
2. That his Father would run to him.
3. That his Father would receive into his arms.
4. That he would still be permitted to wear the family robe, his Father’s ring, or the shoes of the Son.
The robe: A robe of righteousness. He was still part of the family.
The ring: He was blessed with the authority of his father.
The shoes: He was given freedom. He was not a prisoner.
5. That his Father would throw a party to celebrate his homecoming.
6. That he had any friends who would attend the celebration.
Note that the older brother would complained to his Father, “You have never thrown a party for me or my friends.” That statement implies that the prodigal son still had friends that would come to the party that celebrated his return.
7. That his Father would come to his defense.
When the older brother was angry and would not come into the house, it was the Father who took up the younger son’s defense. The most amazing thing about the amazing grace of God is that God makes intercession on our behalf, even when we fail.
Have you ever been amazed by God’s amazing grace?