
Summary: What is my reward for following Christ?

Text – Matthew 19; 27 – 30

Subject – What’s In It For Me?

Intro. Brothers and sisters, this morning I want to look upon a question asked by Peter that many of us would say was blasphemous. This outspoken Apostle, after Jesus’ conversation with a rich young ruler, asked Jesus what am I going to get for what I’ve done. Jesus had just asked the young ruler to see out all of his goods and follow Christ and he left Jesus sorrowful. Peter and the rest of the disciples had some questions to ask Jesus. First they asked could anyone with money be saved. Jesus teaches us that it isn’t money that corrupts, but it’s the love of money that corrupts. He explains that money will not block salvation to those that want it; with God all things are possible. Then Peter took up the questioning and asks Jesus what will we receive. Is it a sign of sin if a saint has money? Are we as believers called to a life of poverty? Well this morning I want to know what is it about your relationship with God that keeps you here? Peter says that we have forsaken all. He says to Christ I haven’t been home in a while, haven’t seen my wife, kissed my children. I gave up a very lucrative fishing business. And there are some in the room this morning that my have walked away from something, or somebody for the cause of Christ. Something you wanted, but it was holding you down. Doesn’t mean it’s sin, it was just something in your way that would not allow you to do all you wanted to do for The Lord. Well today, I want to look at the question of Peter and see what’s in it for me!

I. Was Peter’s Question A Bad Question (Explain Sell Out)

A. What nerve of the apostle

1. Whatever he ate Jesus gave him

2. Jesus had blessed him specifically

a. Jesus healed his mother in law

b. Jesus paid his taxes out of a fishes mouth

B. It was not a bad question

1. This was not a spiritual question

a. Peter wanted to know what to expect

b. Where his sacrifice would lead him tangibly

2. Jesus had already told them spiritually

a. Expect to be misunderstood

b. Expect to be mistreated Matthew 5

3. Know it wasn’t bad because Jesus answered it

II. The Promise Of Ruler ship During The Millennium Reign Of Christ

A. Quickly let me explain to you that the devil is busy

1. No aspect of your life he does not touch

2. Sometimes it seems as if he’s working overtime

a. Paul says even when I desire good, evil is present

b. Peter says he’s seeking whom he may devour

B. But on the earth the day will come when he will be bound

1. Revelation 20 tells us of a 1000 year break

2. An earth free from satanic influence

a. All not like God will be done away with

b. And Christ promise that we that serve him will rule

III. The Promise Of 100 Fold Blessings

A. Whatever you feel you left, God has better for you

B. But here he talks of family

1. It’s time we learn that the Church is a family

2. Many born in your family may not respect what you believe

a. Brothers and sisters may feel you’re crazy

b. Mothers and fathers may not understand

3. Here we have a church filled with brothers and sisters

a. Learn how to grow as a family

b. I’m a mothers’ boy, don’t get to see her much…

C. Does not mention money

1. Money is not your reward, it’s you heritage

a. Jesus says In me that will come to you

b. Mt 6:33 seek first

c. Don’t worry about tomorrow First last, last first

The real reward Eternal life

When Jesus sent the 70 out to preach, they came back excited about wrong stuff

Demons subject, we can heal, we have worked wonders, that because of God using you

Be happy because your name is written in heaven… Luke 20

What’s in it for me, more than I could ever have in this world. All here is temporary

But in heaven…

Sunday January 11, 2004 CTC AM Worship

Reverend Kenneth Eugene Cherry BA.D.

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