
What's Faith Got to Do with It?

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 4, 2023
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To highlight that it is not through adherence to the law, but through faith in Jesus Christ and the grace of God, that we receive spiritual life and vitality.


Good morning, beloved brothers and sisters. Today, we are diving into the heart of the book of Galatians, specifically Galatians 3. We will be exploring the gift of spiritual life and vitality, the limitations of the law, and how the law binds us rather than providing freedom.

The Gift of Spiritual Life and Vitality

The gift of spiritual life and vitality is a gift that transcends the limitations of our physical existence and connects us to the divine. This spiritual life is not something we can earn or achieve through our own efforts or adherence to the law. Rather, it is a gift that is freely given to us by God through faith in Jesus Christ.

In the book of Galatians, the Apostle Paul emphasizes this point. He challenges the Galatians, and by extension us, to reflect on how we received the Spirit. Was it by works of the law or by hearing with faith? The rhetorical nature of this question underscores the truth that spiritual life and vitality come not from our works but from faith.

This spiritual life is not merely about eternal life after death, but it is also about the quality of life here and now. It is about experiencing God's presence, love, and grace in our everyday lives. It is about finding peace amidst the storms of life, strength in our weakness, and hope in our despair. It is about living a life that is full, abundant, and vibrant.

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Moreover, this spiritual vitality is not a static state but a dynamic process. It is about growing in our relationship with God, being transformed into the likeness of Christ, and bearing the fruit of the Spirit. It is about becoming more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled. It is about becoming more like Jesus in our thoughts, words, and actions.

However, this spiritual life and vitality are not automatic. They require our active participation and cooperation with God. They require us to open our hearts to God, to surrender our will to His will, and to allow His Spirit to work in us and through us. They require us to live by faith, trusting in God's promises, relying on His strength, and depending on His grace.

Yet, it is important to note that this spiritual life and vitality are not about achieving perfection or attaining a certain level of spirituality. Rather, they are about experiencing God's grace in our imperfections, weaknesses, and failures. They are about realizing that we are loved and accepted by God not because of what we do or don't do, but because of who we are in Christ.

In this regard, the gift of spiritual life and vitality is a liberating gift. It frees us from the burden of trying to earn God's love and acceptance through our works. It frees us from the guilt and shame of our failures and mistakes. It frees us to live a life of grace, love, and freedom in Christ.

The Limitations of the Law

The limitations of the law are a central theme in the book of Galatians, and indeed, throughout the New Testament ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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