
Summary: The church is the body of Christ working and serving today, so let’s examine the kind of church Jesus would want.

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What Kind of Church Does Jesus Want?

Editors note: Sunday 14 January 2007 was a bad weather day in the DFW area. Comments made during the message had this in mind.

Today is a difficult day as a pastor when the weather is bad and few people venture out to attend the services. So, speaking of church attendance, have you ever heard Murphy’s Law for Preachers:

Law # 1: If the weather is extremely bad, church attendance will be down.

Law #2: If the weather is extremely good church attendance will be down.

Law #3: If the bulletin covers are in short supply, church attendance will exceed all expectations.

Intro -The Perfect Church

Mavis Williams

If you should find the perfect church

Without one fault or smear,

For goodness sake!

Don’t join that church;

You’d spoil the atmosphere.

If you should find the perfect church

Where all anxieties cease

Then pass it by, lest joining it

You’d mar the masterpiece.

If you should find the perfect church

Then don’t you ever dare,

To tread upon such holy ground;

You’d be a misfit there.

But since no perfect church exists

Made of imperfect men,

Then let’s cease looking for that church

And love the church we’re in.

Of course, it’s not a perfect church,

That’s simple to discern

But you and I and all of us

Could cause the tide to turn.

What fools we are to flee our post

In that unfruitful search

To find at last where problems loom

God proudly builds His church.

So let’s keep working in our church

Until the resurrection.

And then we each will join that church

Without an imperfection.

As we attend today’s worship services we might ask ourselves, what kind of church does Jesus want?

He Wants An Evangelistic Church! Acts 11:19-21

An evangelistic church is a body that is led to do at least three things together.

They PRAY together!

Our efforts are hindered if we don’t spend time on our knees before God. Difficulties drive us to our knees.

They have a POSITIVE attitude!

In spite of trials, the church must keep a positive attitude. Everything goes through the hands of God first BEFORE we experience the trial.

They PURSUE people!

Salvation through Jesus is the only way to heaven and a relationship with God. We must pursue the lost as Christ commanded.

Ill - This past summer, God allowed me the opportunity to build a relationship with a young man whose marriage was falling apart. Through a series of God-cidences, God led this young man to me. After many months of counseling and sharing the gospel, he was gloriously saved. Things are still difficult in his marriage but he has been given a living hope in a risen Savior!

Not only does Jesus want an evangelistic church but...

He Wants An Encouraging Church! Acts 11:22-24

Barnabas was an encourager! We need more like Barnabas in the church. What kind of encouraging church were they?

They were a church in MOTION!

Not satisfied with the status quo, the body was reaching and ministering to people unlike themselves. They were serving others!

They were a church with a MISSION!

They knew what they were about! Our mission is not to have "ingrown" eyeballs, but to reach and serve others for the sake of the gospel.

They were a church with a MESSAGE!

That gospel message was about Jesus! What we do and where we serve is about Him.

Ill -A man came to the Lutheran Church and asked to see the pastor. “Pastor,” he said, “My dog died and I would like a Christian burial for him.”

The Pastor said, “I’m sorry to hear about your dog, but we Lutherans don’t do funerals for dogs. You might try the Baptist church down the street. Baptists will do most anything.”

The man turned sadly and said, “I’m sorry you won’t do my dog’s funeral, but I understand. I’ll try the Baptist church. But would you tell me how much is appropriate to leave for a memorial for the church? I was thinking of giving a $10,000 memorial in honor of my dog.”

“Wait a minute,” the pastor said. “You didn’t tell me that your dog was Lutheran…”

We need to be much more encouraging in our ministry to others. It has been said that Baptists almost always recognize other Baptists anywhere but in a liquor store. Let’s be much more encouarging in our church body and family for the glory of Christ!

Not only does Jesus want an evangelistic and encouraging church but...

He Wants An Equipping Church! Acts 11:25-26

An equipping church will be committed to several things.

There will be a commitment to spiritual worship, God’s Word, and holiness!

There will be a commitment to outreach!

The heart and soul of the local body is the salvation of Jesus. We MUST reach others for Christ.

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