
Summary: The difference between a believer and unbeliever.

Question: What is your definition of a Christian?

1) The difference between Believers and Unbelievers.

The Mind Set. Vs. 5

Galatians 5:19-23

There is a different Lifestyle. Vs. 6

Key: Until you know the Lord you simply exist.

The Attitude toward God. Vs.7

Key: The non-believer is at war with God and believer is at peace.

The Unbeliever will never please God! Vs. 8

Key: The non-believer lives to please himself!

2) The Characteristics of a Christian. Vs. 9-10

Question: Who is the Holy Spirit?

Question: When does He come into my life?

The Confusion:

He “indwells” me. Vs. 11

He “baptizes” me at salvation. 1 Corinthians 12:13

He “fills” me. Ephesians 5:18

3) How do you know if you really are a Believer? Vs. 11-17

The New Power in your Life. Vs. 11

Truth: The same power of the Resurrection!

The desire to do what is right. Vs. 12

Key: But there is an obligation. Vs. 13

Being led by the Spirit of God. Vs. 14

John 14:25-26

We are made sons and daughters of God! Vs. 15

Key: We are adopted into God’s family. Vs. 16

We have inner assurance. Vs. 17

Ephesians 1:18-19

Question: Will you open your eyes and see what you have in Christ?

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