
Summary: Part ONE of a three part series on Worship answering the question "What Is Worship?"

Worship: In Spirit and in Truth

Text: Psalm 99:5; John 4:23-24; Romans 12:1; Hebrews 12:28

Part One: What is Worship?

Part Two: Who and Why should we worship?

Part Three: Where should we worship?

Part One: What is Worship?

Romans 12:1

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-- this is your spiritual act of worship.”(NIV)

Worship = “worthship”, to attribute worth to an object


1. Hishahawah – “a bowing down”, describing our approach to God, submission, deep respect.

2. Abodoh – “service”, highest role of worship


1. Proskuneo – “to kiss the hand”, “bow down”

2. Latreuo – “to serve”

1. Worship is Living

Lifestyle, daily, deliberate – we were created to glorify God

A. Daily

Tradition tells us that there is a specific time and place for worship. For most, that tradition is on Sundays in the sanctuary, and maybe even Wednesday evenings as well. However, tradition isn’t always truth. Real worship is much more than a Sunday experience in the sanctuary. Worship should occur in the Christian’s life throughout each day in a variety of ways.

Devotion – a time of learning

Prayer – a time of thanking and requesting

Worship – a time of adoring, honoring,

Tithes and offerings – a time of giving and sharing

Ministry – a time of building God’s Kingdom

B. Deliberate

Worship intentionally. When you make time for Jesus, do it with purpose – intending to glorify Him and bless Him. Think of songs and ways that you could express your affection toward God and do it. Don’t sing a song because you can sing good. Don’t sing a song because it’s a cool tune. Don’t raise your hands because everyone else is. Whatever you do in worship, do it intentionally to show His worth, and nothing less.

Illustration: Matt Redman’s “Heart of Worship” (p102-104)

2. Worship is a Sacrifice

A. David - “I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” (2 Samuel 24:24)

B. Abraham - offering Isaac (Genesis 22:9)

C. You – Worship will always cost you something.

Some common costs:

Money - tithe & offering

Time – deliberate, is there room in your busy schedule for Jesus?

Humility – displaying our worship, raising our hands, bowing down

Energy - those times when you don’t feel like it

3. Worship is Spiritual

True worship takes place in the spiritual realm.

It’s not the place or the method that is important. It’s the condition of the heart.

It doesn’t matter how we feel. It doesn’t matter what song we’re singing. It doesn’t matter we sound when we sing or play an instrument. It is simply us allowing our spirit to communicate with God on a higher level, a spiritual level.

4. Worship is Serving

The priests were servants of the temple and of God performing the “spiritual acts of worship.” Being a living sacrifice will result in spiritual service. We show God His worth by serving Him with our lives.

How do you show others their worth to you?

Illustration: My wife show me what I’m worth to her everyday by cooking, cleaning, taking care of our children, rubbing my feet etc.

How are you showing God His worth to you?

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