
Summary: The church culture of today has so allowed the culture around us to shape the way we do things. The customer satisfaction mentality has invaded our churches. We have to be sure not to offend anyone and worship is all about them. Here in Isaiah we see t

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Intro: In Isaiah 6 we see the call and commissioning of Isaiah the prophet. We do not know but we assume that Isaiah was in the earthly temple. However, the temple described in verse 1 is the heavenly temple. In the year King Uzziah died. It would be like saying in the year Pearl Harbor was bombed, in the year JFK was shot, in the year the Bomb was dropped. This was a time of crisis and change. The king of Israel was dead. At the same time there was crisis and change Isaiah came face to face with the King of Kings. In a heavenly worship service Isaiah saw a fresh vision of God. It was from this vision of God’s holiness that Isaiah was inspired to pen words like Isaiah 40.8 “the grass withers the flower fades but the word of our Lord stands forever.”

What churches and Christians in America desperately need is a fresh vision of God. We do not need new revelation because all that God is and has for us is revealed in Jesus Christ. Hebrews tells us that Jesus is the exact representation or image of God. What we have lost is the holiness of God. God has become the man up-stairs, the God next door. Max Lucado said it well Immanuel God with Us. In Jesus Christ God came near. Something of the awesomeness and greatness of God has been forgotten. He is our heavenly father, and if you have an earthly father then you know what it is to have a healthy fear of your father.

The church culture of today has so allowed the culture around us to shape the way we do things. The customer satisfaction mentality has invaded our churches. We have to be sure not to offend anyone and worship is all about them. Here in Isaiah we see that worship is all about God. When you sing from a Hymn book you need to remember the songs are all about Him. When you read History in the Bible you need to remember it is His story. What Isaiah got was probably more than he bargained for in a worship service.

I. God’s High Position

Isaiah 6.1 (read)

A) Isaiah was reminded God is sovereign

What did Isaiah see when God showed up? He saw God high and lifted up. Isaiah saw God in His greatness and holiness. With everything that was happening in Israel God was in complete control sitting on His throne in heaven. Here in 6.1 you see Lord but not with the ord in Lower case capitals. This is the Hebrew word adonai. It Means the Lord God almighty, the sovereign or supreme one. John 12.37-40 clearly tells us that Isaiah was seeing Jesus on the throne!

Isaiah saw God on the throne, with His hand on the throttle in complete control.

Someone once said when the outlook is bleak try the uplook! Oh church what we need today is the uplook!

When the doctor says disease God is on the throne, When the boss says fired, God is on the throne, When children disobey God is on the throne.

Isaiah saw God high and lifted up but He also heard the seraphim cry Holy, Holy, Holy.

B) Isaiah was reminded God is separate

This is God’s chief attribute. Seven out of 12 references to the name of God in the Old Testament refer to Him as Holy!! Holy is not something God does it is not something God has it is something God is!

Why are people separate from God? It is a simple answer because they are unholy. If you have ever sinned then you are unholy. God is completely without sin. If you have lied you are a sinner, if you have hated you are a sinner, if you have stolen you are a sinner, if you have cheated you are a sinner, if you have wanted something that doesn’t belong to you, you are a sinner, if you take God’s name in vain you are a sinner. Romans 3.23 goes so far as to say all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. All are unholy.

The seraphim (the burning ones) repeat it three times. This is a Hebrew way of emphasizing what is said. When you are in class you learn that whatever a teacher repeats is important. In the Bible repetition is the main way to show the importance of a statement. Holy, Holy, Holy. God is Holy and you will never know Him as He is until you see Him as Holy God.

What on earth does this have to do with worship. If you divorce God’s holiness from worship all you have is entertainment! Why start on time, why do things in order why not distract others during the song service and preaching? Because we are focusing on the greatness of God!!

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