
What is Grace?

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 4, 2024
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Explores the transformative power of God's grace, emphasizing its role in salvation, forgiveness, and blessings in our lives.


Ladies and Gentlemen, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we gather here today under the banner of our shared faith, united in our love for our Savior, Jesus Christ. We are a community brought together by an extraordinary love, a love that transcends our differences, a love that binds us together, a love that is as enduring as it is transformative. This love, my dear friends, is the love of God, poured out for us through His grace.

Ah, Grace! That sweet, sweet word that sings like a lullaby in the ears of the believer. It is the melody of our faith, the rhythm of our redemption, the harmony of our hope. It is the divine refrain that echoes through the corridors of time, whispering the promise of God's unending, unfathomable love for us.

The great preacher Charles Spurgeon once said, "Grace is the first and last moving cause of salvation; and faith, essential as it is, is only an important part of the machinery which grace employs. We are saved 'through faith,' but salvation is 'by grace.'" Grace is the cornerstone of our faith, the foundation upon which our salvation is built. It is the lifeblood of our relationship with God, the conduit through which His love flows to us, and through us, to the world.

Today, we turn our hearts and minds to the book of Ephesians, specifically Ephesians 2:8-9, where the Apostle Paul writes:

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast."

This passage, my dear friends, is a beacon of hope, a testament to the boundless love of God that is poured out for us through His grace. It is a reminder that our salvation is not something we earn or deserve, but a gift, freely given by a loving God.

God's Generous Grace

When we consider the magnitude of God's grace, it's like standing at the edge of an ocean, unable to see the other side. It's vast, it's deep, and it's incredibly powerful. The grace of God is not something that can be measured or quantified. It's not something that can be earned or deserved. It's a gift, freely given by a loving God to His children.

Salvation is not earned: The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:8-9 that it is by grace we have been saved, through faith. This is not something we've done ourselves. It's a gift from God. This is a profound truth that we need to let sink into our hearts and minds. Our salvation is not something we've earned. It's not something we've achieved. It's a gift, given out of the boundless generosity of God's grace.

This is a truth that can transform our lives: When we truly understand the depth of God's grace, it changes how we view ourselves and how we view others. We realize that we are not saved because of our good deeds or our moral achievements. We are saved purely because of God's grace. This realization can free us from the burden of trying to earn God's favor and can fill us with a profound sense of gratitude and love for God.

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A powerful motivator for our own actions: When we understand that we have been saved by grace, it inspires us to live our lives in a way that reflects that grace. We are motivated to show grace to others, to forgive as we have been forgiven, and to love as we have been loved.

It’s about our daily lives: God's grace is there for us in every moment, in every situation. It's there when we're struggling and when we're rejoicing. It's there when we're doubting and when we're confident. God's grace is a constant, unchanging reality that we can rely on. This is a beautiful truth that can bring us great comfort. No matter what we're going through, no matter how difficult or painful our circumstances, God's grace is there for us. It's a source of strength, a source of hope, and a source of comfort.

God's grace is not just a passive reality: It's also an active force in our lives. God's grace is at work in us, transforming us, shaping us, and molding us into the image of Christ. This is a lifelong process, a journey of growth and transformation that is fueled by the power of God's grace. This is a truth that can fill us with a sense of awe and wonder. God's grace is not just about saving us. It's about transforming us. It's about making us into the people God created us to be. This is a process that requires our cooperation and our participation, but it's ultimately driven by the power of God's grace.

Grace and God's Forgiveness

As we continue our reflection on Ephesians 2:8-9, we find ourselves drawn to the relationship between grace and forgiveness ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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