What Is Enough?
Contributed by Jeffrey Benjamin on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God is and always has been the initiator of our contact with Him.
Theme: Priority One in our worship
Thesis: Are we seeking first things first?
Title: What is Enough?
Text: Luke 24: 13-35
Intro illus. Hot Wheels super charger energizes, zips them around the circle again.
Twice / yr Christmas, Easter
Once / mo Communion
Once / wk Church attendance, Sunday school
Once / day Personal time in the Word
If not Every hr Demands of life will drive me crazy
Spiritual highs last about 5 seconds and there gone!
We no sooner leave the building starter on the car attitude gone
dinner logistics distracted
old argument battling again
It may start before you are out of this building!
WHAT IS ENOUGH? to keep me focused to keep me super-charged
Read Luke 24: 13-35
Setting "same day" Easter Fri - Christ hung on a tree
Dead people walking around
Veil torn in two
Darkness in midday
Sat - More confusion, hopelessness
Sun - Women can’t find body
" saw angels
Don’t know what to make of the whole thing, but know they have to get back to Emmaus.
What is it about the Christian experience that can keep us charged up?
I. vs.17 Sharing and talking about Jesus isn’t enough
Sharing is good.
Modern psychologists will tell you that
It is good to dump on one another
Continue to share your problems
Continue to share about Jesus
But it isn’t enough.
If it was, then the fullness of the Christian experience could be found in the breakrooms of your place of work, or your bridge club, or behind any closed door.
I can turn on the TV on a Sunday morning and hear a lot of talk about Jesus, but talking about Him isn’t enough!
II. vs.25-27 Hearing and reading about Him isn’t enough
They heard the Word
Not only the Word but all of it
And not just all of it, but a commentary on it
And not just a commentary on it but by the Commentator, the Author
What a Bible study
But you know what? It wasn’t enough
The Word should be treasured and hid in your heart
And we should be diligent in its study because it is convicting, powerful, healing, and comforting - But it isn’t enough
illus. John 5:37-40
To the Pharisees Knew Scriptures
Emphasize "me"
These Pharisees were still far from Him
The Word is indispensable, but if the Word was enough, it would not have had to become flesh!
Reading about it isn’t enough
III. vs.28-30
Even activities aren’t enough. Some argue what is going on here dinner vs. communion
Gospel written about 60 A.D.
Documents of early church indicate that they would take bread, give thanks, break it and give it.
So were they having communion? or worship?
Whatever it was, it was: worshipping with Christ
experiencing Christ in worship
Note the prerequisites to worship
vs.32 "burned within us" moved by the Word
vs.29 "stay with us" called out to Him and His presence
vs.30 broke bread Communed with Him
But you know what?
Showing up at prescribed worship events is not enough
Review You can share about your troubles
You can talk about Jesus
You can hear what the Bible has to say
And you can sit in those seats every Sunday
But it’s still not going to be enough to keep you super-charged!
Aside The value of worship is special to me - maybe more to me than you
Look at vs.31
Clearly something happened here in the text as it has in the context of corporate worship here this morning
God reveals Himself in corporate worship
illus. I’ve often asked myself "What can I do to make the worship experience come alive?"
Hymns Choruses Slides Music
Extended prayer padded chairs massive organ
Siskel & Ebert kind of worship mentality
legal pad liked that one
not that one
that tie
We are quick to put the blame on someone or something if our button isn’t pushed.
And what about those guys we pay?
Why can’t they put together a service that I like?
Instead we should expect to encounter Christ
If we are expecting to encounter Christ, He will meet us.
" it would hardly matter what was going on up here
Look at our text!
a couple of guys
sack lunch
no music
no multimedia presentation
But Christ was there and it was consuming
But you know what? It still wasn’t enough
So what is enough?
IV. vs. 31 "Their eyes were opened"
They shared yes
They heard yes
They showed up yes
They said "God come" yes
This is all well and good
But it is God’s initiative that makes the difference
He reveals Himself to us
vs.16 "they were kept" Jesus is in control of this encounter
Sometimes we forget that
We think If I can find someone to confide in