What Is A Christian Home?
Contributed by Michael Blankenship on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Christian home is a fortaste of heaven when we attribute our lives to serving God.
Dickerson Road Baptist Church
3601 Dickerson Road
Nashville, Tennessee. 37207
Pastor: Michael Blankenship
Joshua 24:13-15 What Happened to the Family?
We live in an age where televison and video games have become the central gathering areas of our homes. We are beginning tho see the effects socially as well as morally in the erosion of a stable home and family life. God created the first home. He formed Adam from the dust of the ground. What was dust, became life as God breathed into the nostrils of Adam and gave him a living soul. Adam was unspotted and innocent in his form and yet he was lonely. God created woman and she united with Adam in holy wedlock. God blessed the two and commanded them cultivate and care for the earth. It was in this place we often refer to as the garden of Eden, the first home was established as a unity of society.
Before there was sin, sorrow or death, the first home was instituted as a place where man and women would live together and propitiate the love of God for the generations to follow. The home anincredulious shield of childhood that encapsulated memories of security, and peace and all that we might look towards heaven as being.
I. Is The Home an Endangered Species Today?
A. The home is a civilization in which our society is anchored.
Without a home an education is much learning without a purpose.
Without our homes government cannot exists, chaos will ensue.
Plato in the Creto writes, “The home alone provides a noble civilization.”
B. The home varies in its physical apperance, but it always conforms to the love that waxes within. It could be a tent as Abraham and Sarah dwelt within. It may be a rented house as Joseph and Mary are dwelling in when the Wise men visit Jesus. It may be an apartment, a mansion, a cave or a hut. The home never the less is a oasis from the wolves of a lost and dying world. It stands between the eternal and the sublime holding out the hand of hospitality while retaining the moral direction of yesteryear. It is a harbor that anchors a soul keeping it safe from the storms of despair, and depression.
The home is an armored fortress that launches hope from its portals into a dark and dying world. A Christian home is where husband and wife function as partners, submitting to each other in fear of God in order to establish God’ s will for their lives.
A Christian home is where children learn to respect and honor themselves, and others. A child that respects its self will never become dependent on government subsides. The Christian home could be riding sown the road of extinction and yet, we must rebel and rebuff all who would seek to destroy the fabric of God’s mode and model for humanity. Much of the trouble with the world today could be better approached by giving Christ the inside track rather the outside track, if we would allow Him to reign, rather than resign. Psalm 95:6-7 [read].
You cannot give Christ Jesus limited seating in your home. He must be king of the castle, the condo, or the cardboard box. He must be exhorted in your home, hearth, and hallway. He must be held high in the barn, the burrow, and the stable. If you want a home rather than a hell allow Jesus to be Lord of all. The door lintels of the home are the foundations of the church, and state. Society is dependent upon the positive outcome of the home. Otherwise society will parish and society will diverge into animalistic behavior without conscious, or consequence, without a promise of future or past of success. Read 1 kings 3:16-26 .
II. The Home Attacks Confuses the gates of Hell: Joshua 24:14
The decline of family religion and practice forcast a future disastor preportionate to the neglect that ensues in the present state. Decay of homelife indicates decay in the moral roots of our civilization . The Romans looked to repair the moral decay and failed too late. Home is wher the basic gospel tenants are taught and illustrated by Godly parents who love the Lord; love, faith, hope, and cahrity reside in the home.
When the home returns to a place of honor integrity, and moral decency. Then we shall see a revival in our land not until we seek God in all things and in all his ways shall we stand in His affirmations and blessings. Christian homes hold the only hope for America. We have education; it has yet to eliminate the crime in our land. We have welfare; children will still go to bed hungry right in our community tonight; We have jobs and those who can work will not, and those who cannot wish they could.