
Summary: I remember hearing a story of a young boy asking his father what is a Christian? After the father explained, the young boy asked, “Dad have I ever seen a Christian?”

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The word Christian is a very loose term; at least we use it very loosely, and it has become, in America, a meaningless term.

To some, it means anybody living in the United States, and is not Jewish. The term Christian has been so abused and diluted that it has very little meaning to most of us today. It means nothing and has very little impact when used. How sad. That was not true of Bible times.

The word Christian is used only three times in all of the bible, but when examined these three times will describe what a real Christian is.

I remember hearing a story of a young boy asking his father what is a Christian? After the father explained, the young boy asked, “Dad have I ever seen a Christian?”

That is a good question. Have you and I ever seen a real Christian? I’m sure we have, and we have never forgotten them and the message they carried.

If I could desire words said about me, they would be, from Jesus, “Well done thou good and faithful servant.” From this side of eternity, I desire to be called a real Christian.

There are three outstanding marks of a real Christian talked about in the verse we just read; they are:

I. To Be a Real Christian, there is a Decision to Make. Acts 26:28

1. A Christian is someone who has been persuaded of certain things. Vs. 28; he has been convinced about certain things.

2. Let’s look at the background of this story.

a. Paul has been arrested. He stands before the King. He does not miss a chance to testify.

b. He is not preaching to be set free; he is preaching Jesus Christ.

3. The King is under conviction and is almost persuaded and I believe this person was as close to being saved as anyone could be. But he is not. He is now in the very pits of Hell.

4. Notice some things about this king that might cause some to think he was saved. He was a Christians.

a. He already knew about Jesus. Acts 26:26

1) The thing he is talking about is the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.

2) Paul says you know about this, but just knowing about Jesus did not make him a Christian.

b. He also believed the Bible was the word of God. Vs. 27, but that did not make him a Christian.

1) If you were to ask King Agrippa, “Is the Bible the Word of God?” He would answer, “Yes.”

2) A lot of folks in Glenrock believe if they know about Jesus and believe the Bible to be the word of God, that makes them a Christian. Not So!

5. Did you know the Devil believes that much? The devil believes about Jesus. He believes the Bible to be the word of God. He is not a Christian, not saved.

a. Have you ever thought about the religion of the Devil?

b. James 2:19; Satan believes in God. He is no atheist.

c. Satan even believes Jesus is the Son of God. Matthew 4:3

d. There are some liberal theologians today that need to make the same confession of faith, “Jesus, thou Son of God.” Matthew 8:28

e. Satan does know the plan of salvation. Acts 16:16-18

f. Satan believes in God, believes Jesus to be the Son of God. He knows the plan of salvation, but that does not make him a Christian.

6. It takes more than just believing in the plan of salvation to be saved, to be a Christian.

7. You are not saved by the plan of salvation. You are saved by the man of salvation, in the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 John 5:11-13

a. A lot of folks know the plan, but don’t know the man. They have never really received Christ.

8. Now, we said before you can become a Christian there are some decisions to make. You have to be persuaded of some things. So, what kind of a decision do you have to make? There are three of them.

9. You must realize and admit and confess you are a sinner.

a. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Luke 19:10; 1 Timothy 1:15; John 1:29

b. And you cannot be saved until you admit you are a sinner.

c. Isaiah…. All our good, noble deeds are as rags….

10. You must be persuaded that Christ Jesus died for you and your sins. Romans 5:8; 2 Corinthians 5:21

11. You must be persuaded you cannot save yourself either by good works, good deeds, riches, gifts.

a. Ephesians 2:8-9; Salvation is not a reward for the righteous, but a gift for the guilty.

b. Salvation is not a prize at the end of the race, it is a gift at the beginning.

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