
Summary: In a world that says, everyone's truth is subjective. Today is the day to stand up for what we believe. My belief is grounded in God's word.

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I want to speak to you today on what we believe. There is no question about in whom we believe. We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Someone once said to me, “Just exactly what does your church believe? What do you believe? No one could reach on all we believe in one service, but I want us to consider what I believe is the most important things.

The Psalmist said, “I believe, therefore have I spoken.” Paul said, “…we also believe, and therefore speak.” Your believing is the most important thing that can happen to you. It is a life-changing experience.

“I believe, therefore have I spoken.” In 1963, on Mother’s Day, I had an experience that most of you have had and my life has changed. My whole future was changed. My past was even changed because it was blotted out.

Belief is absolutely essential to successful living. A person should know what they believe. I do not believe there is a power on earth that could change what I believe today because it is based on what God said.

I remember when the man came to Jesus bringing his lunatic, demon possessed son: Mark 9:18, 23. Belief determines your relationship to God and man: Hebrews 11:6. That is what the Psalmist and Paul are talking about. He must believe that God exists. I believe that today. I believe that there is a personal God. He knows me and I know Him. By believing, I have come into a relationship with, Him that is as eternal as eternity and as lasting as God. I believe it is going to be all right with me, my future, everything.

Look at Luke 1:1-3. He is saying, what we believe came from above. It is not traditional. It is not man-made, but from above. I believe that is true. I want to mention five things to you. On these five things hang the important faith. The important belief that we share.

I. I Believe in a Sacred Book, The Bible

1. I never believed anything anymore in all my life that I believe that the Bible I am reading from and preaching from is the Word of God. 1 Timothy 3:16

2. I believe that this book that lies before my eyes is the infallible, inerrant, indestructible, invisible Word of Almighty God.

3. I believe the Bible is a perfect book Psalm 19:7. Every Christian sitting in this house is a testimony that the Bible is a perfect book.

4. Every time a soul gets saved, God is saying, “My perfect word did it all.”

5. This Bible is eternal. No book has ever been known to have suffered the fierce, Satanic attack that the Bible.

a. The scholarly man has sought to extinguish it.

b. The fool in his folly has bombarded it.

c. The Bible still stands, it is eternal, Matthew 24:35

6. When mountains have crumbled to dust and the stars from heaven have fallen, this Bible will still be true.

7. This Bible is also indestructible. John 10:35, You cannot break this truth. This is divine truth.

8. Psalm 34:20, if that soldier had broken Jesus legs, the scripture would have been broken, but it wasn’t.

9. We believe is a sacred book that is indestructible and is life-giving. John 6:63. These is life in this book.

10. No book written by human hands gives such peace as this book does. Psalm 119:165, 116:10, 2 Corinthians 4:13.

II. I Believe in a Sacred Son, Jesus

1. 1 Corinthians 15:47

2. I believe today that Jesus is divine. The Son of God, born of a virgin, the Christ, the Sn of the living God.

3. I believe He died a supernatural death for the sins of the world. He was buried and that He rose again.

4. We are saved because of our belief in a Sacred Son.

III. I Believe in a Second Birth.

1. John 3:3

2. I do not understand everything about the New birth. You are not going to understand anything about it before you are saved.

3. There are a lot of things we do not understand.

a. How you could eat the cooking you have and survive.

b. Brown cow, green grass, white milk, yellow butter, I believe in butter.

c. Electricity, don’t sit in the dark.

4. Ask yourself life’s most important question: “Have I been born again?” John 3:7

5. The new birth assumes the total depravity of the human heart. I you were born right the first time, you would not have to be born the second time.

6. Psalm 51:5, Children do not become sinners after their sin. They are sinners by nature, Psalm 58:3.

7. I am saying to you that man is totally depraved. Nothing make me any sicker than there’s liberal preachers that preach there is something good in everybody.

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