
Summary: A simple sermon that asks the listener, What do you really believe?

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What I Believe

Pastor Glenn Newton October 31, 2010

Are you a believer? I’m going to ask that question a lot this morning because I think it’s important, in fact, I believe it makes all the difference in the world. The truth is we are all believers in SOMETHING or Someone.

This morning I want you to be thinking about this question…. Are you a Believer…. And what is it that you passionately believe in….what are those bedrock beliefs that you hold onto that are worth fighting for?

This morning I am going to be using various scriptures to show you what God has told us about belief….I want to start with Luke 1:37….God has sent the Angel Gabriel to a little, rural town called Nazareth, in Galilee to talk to a young girl named Mary, she was a virgin who was pledged to be married to a man named Joseph….do you remember the story? Gabriel reveals God’s plan to young Mary, how God through the Holy Spirit is going to give her a child, and his name is going to be Jesus…do you remember? Mary is young and afraid, but she’s old enough to understand that babies don’t just appear…she asks, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” Do you know what Gabriel says in v.37? “For nothing is impossible with God.” (prayer)

For nothing is impossible with God, do you believe that? Say that with me…. For nothing is impossible with God.

Can I tell you a secret? If you’re a Christian this morning…..your crazy! If you’re a Christian and you really believe what the Bible says is true, then your certifiable nuts according to this old world and their wise men.


Friends I believe that the first sentence in the Bible is true… “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Gen. 1:1 God is the author of life, He is our source, there is no other! I believe God’s Word has been given to us to Reveal who God is, how much He loves us, its been given to us to reveal His Truth, It has been giving to reveal Jesus Christ, the Living Word, our Messiah, Our Savior. From the first word to the last, it’s all true….Rev. 22:20 says, “He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”

What you believe makes a difference, What you believe changes everything in this life. When you stopped doubting and you made that decision to put your faith in God, repenting of your sin and rebellion toward God, when you turned to God in Faith and said, Please forgive me…. You know what happened, God did a miracle in your life, you were spiritually brought to life, you were Born Again, amen?

Your belief makes a difference; the question is “Are you a believer?”

Jesus said in Mark 9:23-24, “Everything is possible for him who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

One of the most important doctrines of the church states that Jesus Christ, who was fully man and fully God at the same time, he lived a sinless life, he was tortured and crucified on a Roman cross, he was dead for 3 days, and on the 3rd day, He came back to life…. That is fundamental to our Christian Faith, without the resurrection of Jesus, we would not have hope for heaven, we would not have forgiveness of our sins, we would be trapped in our sins and our God would be dead…..But Praise God we Believe what the Bible says, Amen?

On the 3rd day Jesus Christ arose from the dead, he appeared to His disciples, He met with them, he ate and talked with them, He was with them for 40 days, he appeared to over 500 eyewitnesses during that time, and He ascended into heaven on a cloud promising to return as the conquering King…What you believe makes all the difference in the world.

Are you a believer?

This morning there are a lot of people who believe in all kinds of things, belief is not a problem for people, the problem is what they are choosing to believe in.

On Saturday nights we come together at Celebrate Recovery and we learn about how God wants to set us Free, Free from the lies and the deceptions that somehow over the years we have bought into. The truth is God’s Word tells us that Christ has come to set us free, when we live our lives outside of God’s protection, outside of His Truth, we end up in chains to our addictions, we end up in chains to our wrong ideas about life, we end up believing that there really is no hope, there really is no future to look forward too.

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