
Summary: Second Sermon in the series "What Doest Thou Here?" Eliab, David’s brother asked "Why camest thou down hither?" David had come with purpose. What is your purpose and mine?

From the Desk of Rev. Toby Powers

Truth Baptist Church

Bremen, GA


Sermon Two

I Samuel 17:25-32

Intro: We looked last week at Elijah and how the Lord came to him in the cave and asked him, “What doest thou here, Elijah?” Staying on that same theme, I want us to see this young man David. His brother Eliab asks him in v. 28, “Why camest thou down hither?” It is really the same question. Eliab thought David was too insignificant and unqualified to be there; he was just a little shepherd boy, “and with whom hast thou left those few sheep in the wilderness?” In fact, Eliab accused him of just being their for mischief’s sake, “I know thy pride, and the naughtiness of thine heart; for thou art come down that thou mightest see the battle.” What Doest Thou Here, David?

I. I’M HERE ON ORDERS FROM MY FATHER: v. 17-18, His father told him to go to the battlefield and check on his brothers. His father said to bring them some food. People do a lot of things for a lot of different reasons, but if we would just operate on orders from the father, we would be alright. I’m serving God on orders from the father, I’m preaching the sermon on orders from the father, I’m trying to live right on orders from the father. This is the right reason to do anything!

II. I’M HERE TO BRING YOU SOME FOOD: v. 17-18, Eliab was asking a foolish question. He ate the cheese. He was nourished by the bread. He was sustained with the corn. Yet, he began to cast all sorts of baseless accusations at David that he knew were not true. David had come to feed his brothers. Oh, how I see this happen sometimes! Eliab’s problem was that he had been embarrassed by his cowardice and David’s questions. So he tried to accuse David of something. How many times do I preach the bread of God’s Word and someone who God points out that is guilty gets angry with me. But I’m only here to bring you some food!

III. I’M HERE BECAUSE I FEEL FOR MY BRETHREN: v. 22, David loved his brothers. He was the youngest and Eliab the eldest. He likely looked up to Eliab and all his brothers. He was concerned for them in the battle. Are you concerned for your brothers in the battle? Do you pray for their success and safety?

IV. I‘M HERE TO WATCH YOU FLEE: v. 24, David gets frustrated at the cowardice of all the men. It bothers him that they would just allow the giant to curse God and his people while they trembled in a hole! I feel this way in this modern religious climate!

V. I’M HERE TO FIND OUT THE REWARD: v. 26, While the others fled, David just wanted to know what the result of fighting the battle would be! He learned that it would land him in the royal palace! I Cor 15:57-58. Fight the good fight; It will pay!

VI. I’M HERE TO FIGHT THE ENEMY: v. 32, 20, David was ready to fight.

Conclusion: Are you ready to enlist in the army of the Lord? Are you ready to follow the commands of our captain? Will you stand when others flee? Are you active in the service of our God?

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