
Summary: This sermon leads the congregation to an understanding of the meaning of the Pentecost experience.

What Does This Mean? - Acts 2: 1 - 21

Intro: What does it mean when:

1) You are given your10 year service pin by your boss and it comes with& resume writing kit

2) The love of life give ticket to Paris because they know you’ve always wanted to go there but the ticket is one way.

3) You have taken your care to the repair shop and when you go to pick it up the mechanic gives brochure on home equity loans

I. Luke, the writer of Acts, is the only Biblical author to use the arrival of the Holy Spirit as a major theme. – The Day of Pentecost.

A. Verse 1 - 1 of 3 pilgrimage holidays – 50th – “Feast of Weeks” – Shavuot – 50 days after Passover. – religious harvest festival – Thanksgiving w/o the football.

B. The Jewish nation celebrated Pentecost as remembering the giving of Law to Moses with 2 loaves offered in gratitude.

C. They were together – in one accord – in agreement.

II. Verse 2 & 3 – does not claim H.S. is wind or fire / compared to sound of wind and appearance of flames

A. Fire (pyr) was frequently used by Jews, Greeks and Romans as a metaphor for what happens to an inspired prophet when they prophesy. --- Modern expression – “You’re hot today! – She’s on fire!”

B. Wind (pneuma) – often used to represent God – symbol of uncontrollable power. God’s instrument in overcoming chaos.

C. Verse 6 – 12 Crowd gathered in bewilderment. – WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?

III. So what!? --- The beginning of the active missionary work of the disciples. Verses 17 – 21 – “And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

A. The Pentecost experience is a unifying experience which transcended all barriers of nationality and language.

B. Danger drives people together; devotion draws them together voluntarily. -- The story of Pentecost is the story of forces of God drawing people together to resist the forces that were destroying them.

C. Diverse group of people at great performance of symphony – even the casual listener is caught in the spell. – That is Pentecost.

Conclu: “In the unity of the Spirit, all things are possible.” People may think you are a religious fanatic or a crackpot. Those who ridicule are often the most fearful of change. --- It is the CRACKED people who let the light of Christ shine from their lives.

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