What Does The Bible Say About Transgender Behavior?
Contributed by Jimmy Dillon on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon looks at the biblical response to recent events in 2016 towards what is being called normal behavior as transgenderism.
What Does the Bible Say About Transgender Behavior?
Various Passages
This past week, in the FWISD – transgender bathrooms policy enacted
No school board or parent input….0.03% of population
6th largest school district in Texas
What’s wrong with that, if anything?
Look at today what the bible says about transgender or transsexual behavior
Society has lost its way – anything goes – there is no standard anymore
BUT…there is a standard…the bible is the plumb line for all of us
Look at various scriptures as we go – Pray
Trans: First let’s define a few terms from Webster’s dictionary…
1. What is a Male?
A person bearing an X and Y chromosome having a male genitalia – a boy or man - masculine
2. What is a Female?
A person bearing two X chromosomes having female genitalia to include a uterus and ovaries and breasts – a girl or woman – feminine
3. What is a Transgender?
A person whose gender identity does not correspond to a person’s biological sex assigned at birth
4. What is Gender Identity Disorder or Gender Dysphoria?
It is the desire to change one’s sex or to fulfill the role of the opposite gender
Transgenders describe themselves as “trapped” in a body that does not match their gender
They will often seek hormone therapy or surgery to bring their body’s in line with their “perceived” gender
These people often practice transvestim
5. What is Transvestism?
The practice, especially of men, of wearing clothing associated with the opposite sex for psychological gratification
Trans: Well with these definitions in mind, let’s see what the bible says about
B. Gender and human sexuality
Turn to Gen 1:27; Matt 19:4-5; Mark 10:4-9
God created two and ONLY two genders: male and female
That means a man and a woman – masculine & feminine
Notice what God didn’t say in Genesis
1. He never asked Adam or Eve is they were comfortable or happy with their assigned sex
2. He never created multiple wives for Adam or multiple husbands for Eve
3. He never asked them about their sexual orientation or preference
All of the social stigma’s and modern day acceptance about numerous genders is UNBIBLICAL
Yet our young people are being bombarded and brainwashed that being able to choose your gender is normal behavior
All this really amounts to is an attempt to normalize sin and make people feel better about sinning
Isa 5:20 “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter”
Psalm 139 says that God fashions each one of us “For you created my inmost being: you knit me together in my mother’s womb…I am fearfully and wonderfully made…”
God’s creation of each individual surely included his designation of gender/sex
Satan, just like in the garden, is deceiving and confusing people
What was the purpose of creating male and female as He did?
Male anatomy vs. female anatomy?
First for marriage – to be each other’s helpmate
Turn to Gen 2:24 - God created the first marriage
Second for procreation - Gen 1:28 – be fruitful and multiply
It didn’t take long after the fall of man for Satan to confuse people about their gender
In Abraham’s day, homosexuality was widespread in some cities like Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 19:1-7)
The bible clearly tells us that homosexuality is a sinful perversion of God’s gift of sexuality
Turn to Rom 1:18-32 – This passage alone describes where we, as a society, are at today
In the Law, Transvestism was specifically forbidden – that is the wearing of the opposite gender/sex clothing
Turn to Deut 22:5
Also another possible reference to transgenderism is 1 Cor 6:9-10 (turn there)
Notice that “male prostitutes” is separated from “homosexual offenders”
The KJV calls it “male prostitutes – effeminate” which means “soft or feminine
Which leads to these male prostitutes who might be transsexual men who act as women
Trans: Lastly, you may be asking…
C. What’s the danger in this type of thinking?
1. If we rationalize one sin, we have no grounds not to rationalize ALL sin (Pediphilia; murder; rape; incest; stealing; lying; cheating;)
James 2:10 tells us “For whoever keeps all of the laws except one is guilty of breaking all of God’s laws”
Of which I can testify – I AM GUILTY – Can I get a witness?
2. It puts our children at greater risk to ACCEPT this type of thinking (Makes it much easier for Satan – Did God really say?)
3. It puts our women and daughters at risk for those who just POSE as transgender for other perverted sexual desires
4. Further perverts God’s created design of marriage and tearing down the home life