
Summary: What is Success? I believe everyone wants to be successful. Not too many people walk around in life saying I want to fail at this or fail at that, but we all desire success.

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What Does Success Look Like?

What is Success?

Acts 13:36 - "Now when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed.

I believe everyone wants to be successful. Not too many people walk around in life saying I want to fail at this or fail at that, but we all desire success. We want to feel success and we want to achieve success, whether it be at our jobs, money, fame, power or even relationships.

Many people walk around wanting to be successful, but how many have taken the time the define what success is in their lives.

Sometimes we look at the success that other people are having, and we feel if we accomplish what they did or we accomplish the status they have, then we are considered successful.

All we must do is look at social media, there are many people who try and define success for you.

They post their status of:

- I have a million-dollar business and 14 cars you can be successful to

- I have 100,000 followers and 20,000 friends you can do that to

- I have 100,000 in the bank and I am successful

It even creeps into the church

- I have the biggest ministry in my part of town

- I have the biggest crowd in my town

That is not success.

How many know money comes and goes.

How many know friends come and go.

How many know crowds come and go, but the purposes of God for our lives stays the same.

The challenge for you and me is not to measure our success by comparing our accomplishments to someone else, but to look at what we would consider success in our own lives?

The challenge for you and me is to stop and look at what is the plan that God has for our lives and pursue that. If we don’t know what God has for us, we will start pursuing other people’s plans for our lives and the unfortunate thing is “people don’t have much planned for us.”

Then what can happen is as an individual we end up climbing the wrong ladder and pursuing someone else’s version of success for our lives, then when we get to the top of the ladder we find out it was the wrong one, but when we go after Gods plan for our life that is where the success is.

If you and I don’t know what success looks like in our own lives, then it will be hard to achieve.

Imagine there are people in the world today who have climbed up the ladder of success, only to find out it was the wrong ladder.

This even happens in the church. We see a certain position that looks attractive and we want to be in that position, but God has not called us to a position He has called us to a purpose.

As a Christian you and I should find out what the plan of God is for our lives and try to pursue that plan with all our heart. That is when we will be successful and make the biggest impact on this generation.

Did you know that God has something specific for you and me to do?

God has a specific part for you and me in the Body of Christ?

Not only that, but the Bible says in I Corinthians 12:18 - But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.

Isn’t that good to know that God has placed the parts of the Body of Christ just where He wanted them to be.

That sounds like you and I don’t decide our purpose, but there is a purpose and calling that God has on our life that no man, no friend, no person or anyone can decide for you, but God has laid it out as He thought best.

I heard one preacher say, “We don’t decide our destiny we discover it.”

Tell your neighbor “You have a purpose.”

The Bible says that David carried out God’s purposes in his generation.

Acts 13:36 - "Now when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed.

I think the key to you and I being successful and making a difference in this generation is to carry out the purpose and plan that God has for our lives.

Success is not so much a goal as it is a journey.

There is no amount of money that can make us successful.

There is no amount of fame that can make us successful.

There is no accomplishment that can make us successful.

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