
Summary: Blind Bartimaeus

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What Do You Want?

Mark 10:32-52

If you had the chance to see Jesus in the flesh, and He asked you “What do you want me to do for you?”, what would you ask for?

Would you ask for something insignificant? Would you ask for something you could use or spend in this life?

Or would you be honest and tell the Lord what is really going on in your life and what you really need? Are you even aware of what you really need?

Jesus said in Matthew 6:19, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal.

Matthew 6:20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.

Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. NKJV

We need to constantly focus on the fact that the Lord is Holy and Almighty, yet He still wants a relationship with us.

The Lord wants to be a part, of every part of our lives.

Please open your Bibles to the Gospel of Mark 10 as we continue in a verse-by-verse study of that Gospel.

Last week in Mark, we studied how some trust in wealth.

When we put our trust in money, we do not trust the Lord.

The question is, “How hard is it to enter the kingdom of God?”

But what was impossible for man to do, God did by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, as a payment for our sin.

Wiersbe said, “It is good to have the things money can buy, provided you do not lose the things that money cannot buy.”

We ended by saying, we all have Original Sin because of the sin that Adam and Eve did in the beginning of creation.

By Grace alone, (an undeserved Gift) through Faith alone (Trust) in Christ alone, you can be saved. Salvation is NOT found in a religion or by good works, it is only found in Jesus.

Today, we will hear Jesus predict His death and resurrection for the third time. Then Jesus will ask the same question to different men and the answers from these different men, are very telling.

I. The nature of His death.

Read Mark 10:32-34

Notice, vs. 32, “Now they were on the road, going up to Jerusalem”.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Jerusalem stands on hills at an elevation of 2,575 feet.

So, no matter where you were traveling from, you are always going up to Jerusalem.

Notice, “Jesus was going before them.”

Jesus is fully man as well as fully God. Our sinless Savior was determined to go to the cross, even though He fully knew He was about to face humiliation, beatings, and crucifixion.

At this point of His earthly ministry, Jesus is literally in front of the Disciples as He is leading them towards His death sentence.

Then notice, “They were amazed... they were afraid.”

amazed means to be astonished, startled, or alarmed.

afraid is the Greek word from which we get our English word phobia; it means to be anxious or apprehensive.

Anxiety is a sin, because it reveals we are not trusting the Lord for whatever situation we are facing that is causing the anxiety.

As they were heading to Jerusalem, the Disciples begin to realize the gravity of the situation; after all this is the third time Jesus has told them of His upcoming death.

The religious leaders wanted to kill Jesus for a while by this point and even though the religious leaders didn’t want to kill Jesus during the Passover holiday, it will end up happening.

The Disciples were amazed at the courage of Jesus, but they were afraid of what was awaiting them in Jerusalem.

Jesus showed a tremendous amount of bravery as He headed to Calvary’s cross, to be condemned to death and to be delivered to the Gentiles. Remember, Jesus is fully man as well as fully God.

Jesus said, “see” in vs. 33; “see” means behold or consider this.

But also notice, Jesus did not use the first-person pronoun “I”, i.e., He didn’t say “I” will be handed over, rather Jesus identifies Himself as “The Son of Man”.

Jesus wants His Disciples to know He is the One, Daniel saw.

Daniel 7:13 “I was watching in the night visions, and behold, One like the Son of Man, Coming with the clouds of heaven!

Samuel Whitefield said, “The title Son of Man is a way Jesus was asserting his own divine nature revealing He is the One, who will be given authority, glory and sovereign power".

Even though this is the third time Jesus said He would be crucified and rise again on the third day, this is the first time in Mark where Jesus said they would deliver Him to the Gentiles.

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