
Summary: Based on John 3:16 - Evangelistic sermon based around 3 questions for hearers to consider.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT?” John 3:16

FBCF – 3/16/25

Jon Daniels

INTRO – Francis William Boreham – preacher in England in early 1900’s. As a young boy, his father took him to London to see the ancient obelisk named Cleopatra’s Needle being erected (PIC). This 70-ft tall tower was built in the ancient Egyptian city of Heliopolis some 3000 yrs before it was moved to London in the late 1800’s.

This was a big deal for young Francis Boreham. He was fascinated by the tower – fascinated by the maze of hieroglyphics that cover the 4 sides of the tower – fascinated by thought of the Egyptian Pharaohs riding past this tower in their chariots – fascinated by the thought that even Moses may have sat at the base of the needle as a boy, studying his lessons that his tutor had assigned to him.

And now, the ancient city of Heliopolis is gone, remembered only by this monument in another city. Boreham wrote: “Will a time ever come, I wondered, when London will be as Heliopolis is?” In other words: 3000 yrs from now, will London be gone as Heliopolis is gone? Some city officials in London thought that there should be some objects placed in the base of the monument – like a time capsule – for future generations to know what life was like in London in the late 19th century: some coins, children’s toys, a London directory, some newspapers, box of hairpins & other feminine items, a razor, a parchment w/ the translation of the hieroglyphics on the needle itself - & one more very interesting thing: a text written out in over 200 different languages. Here’s the text:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

If, 3000 yrs from now, some archaeologists in the 50th century are combing through the ruins of London & come upon these items, things will most likely have changed greatly – the coins, the toys, the women’s jewelry. But one thing has never changed & will never change, no matter which century we live in – that is the truth of John 3:16. It was true in the 1st century; it is true today in the 21st century; & will still be true in the 51st century.


Nicodemus came to Jesus b/c he wanted something – he wanted some answers. He wanted some clarification. He wanted some understanding. I believe he wanted to be saved.

I believe that people today are wanting something, too. I believe they’re wanting some of the same things Nicodemus wanted. They’re wanting to know that there is something more to this life than what they’re experiencing at the present time.

- They want to know that there is something that is true when so many things are false these days.

- They want to know that there is something that will not change when everything around us is changing at a blindingly fast pace.

- They want to know that life is truly worth living when so many people are losing hope today.

- Jesus is true…will not change…makes life worth living!

Drive-thru coffee shop Thu – On way to funeral of a godly 95 yr-old woman. Young man w/ dark skin & dark hair came up to truck window to take my order. Saw MS State decal in back window – “Did you go to State?” – “No. Went to MC” & pointed to campus right across the street – “Cool! What did you study?” – “Christian studies – I’m a pastor.” Young man was a Muslim from Pakistan. Great conversation w/ him. Very nice guy (gave my coffee to me free!). He talked about how many people had tried to convert him, especially when he was at work on Sundays.

- We both believe in God. Both believe in Jesus – a prophet – the Son of God.

- Ramadan – Not doing it. But instead of fasting, just give some money away to someone. That will make Allah happy too. Just hope it’s enough to make it to heaven.

- Girlfriend is American so in his mind & his family’s mind, she’s a Christian. Family not happy but he’s not worried b/c as long as she believes in “her” God & does good, they’ll end up in the same place.

- Asked his name as I drove off so I could pray for him. And I’m doing that now b/c this is what I know:

He may not know it right now, but inside of that young man & every other person who has ever lived, is alive today, or will be alive until the end of time – there is a hole that can only be filled by Jesus. You can throw anything & everything into that hole & you will always come up empty.

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