
Summary: What do you see? I see a lot of Jeremiah’s entering God's seasons. A lot of Esther’s in the secular world are being pulled into God's plan.

Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” Jeremiah 1:11

What do you see? I see a lot of Jeremiah’s entering God's seasons. A lot of Esther’s in the secular world are being pulled into God's plan. A lot of Jonah’s are being sent to God’s Nineveh. A wave of correction is coming on the house of God. An army of Babylonians(heathen reporters and investigators) exposing the wrongdoings in the church. There's a sound of widespread destruction. Economies are about to crash and currencies are about to lose its worth or value. Darkness will increase –like a thick darkness that can be felt. God is positioning His people at the forefront of these changes or developments. His body, the church, will be united. It is no longer an individual or church show. God is levelling (bringing to the same level) all organisations or ministries, and bringing all churches together.

All mountains and hills will be brought low. There are so many ministries which have become like big mountains in terms of finance and infrastructure. For several years, these big ministries have expanded into large organisations or enterprises that promote their own propaganda and establish their own empires. If God asks, "What are you doing with so much money and infrastructure?" What is your response? Expansion of ministry without Holiness and God's will produces a stinky smell in God's nostrils. Some ministries produce a filthy odour of lust, some ill-gotten money, and so on. God is visiting numerous churches or ministries out of mercy for people, despite the stench of sin.

Many ministries have lost their calling, testimonies, and God's word as a result of expansion projects. Everything was going fine prior to the start of the enlargement project. A little financial compromise, introducing worldly ways of running ministry, recruiting talented worldly people (who are in sin), expanded the ministry while making God unhappy. God never wanted worldly ways to creep into the church. When the Israelites asked for a king after seeing the other neighbours, God was very unhappy since God is the only monarch and did not want any human as king to rule them. Worldly ways of running a ministry elevates a human(preacher) or self to the position of king and dethrones God.

God is levelling all ministries in terms of their finance and infrastructure, bringing them to the same level. We are in a season where a preacher is not highlighted but Jesus is highlighted. A season where Jesus will be present in every faithful church. There will be no big or small ministries, big or small preachers; all preachers will be God's servants, and all faithful ministries will be God's ministries. God is levelling all churches in every aspect - financial, infrastructure, and anointing.

God himself is sending a Babylonian army to expose the wrongdoings of the church. God was silent for a while, but now He is bringing a cleansing in the church of God. The Babylonian army can be heathen reporters and investigators who will expose the hidden sins of preachers and churches. Many ministries have become fortresses, hiding a multitude of sins. Lot of scandals in the ministries will come to light ( revealed to public). Every ministry which a lot of hidden wrongdoings will be exposed. Many prophets, like Nathan, will rebuke the servants of God who are in sin. Don't be surprised or shocked if several well-known preachers step down or resign as a result of the scandals or controversies. It is the Lord's doing.

When a well-known preacher falls into sin and you are shaken, somewhere in your heart he has become an idol in your heart, or you greatly admire him. When a preacher falls into sin, it should not affect you. When your focus is solely on Jesus, preachers' standing with God has no effect on you. A preacher is simply a servant in the hands of God. You will not treat or respect preachers differently based on their ministry or gifts. You will show every preacher the same respect and love. God is sending a wave of correction over this land. An army of heathen reporters and investigators will expose the wrongdoing in the church and preachers.

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