
Summary: Many people hear about Jesus but dont read scripture and consequently are limited in believing in the ability of Jesus to perform miracles or acts towards them. There are times what you believe Jesus can do, He will do.

The passage from Matthew 9:27-29, where two blind men cry out to Jesus for healing, provides a profound insight into the role of faith in receiving from Christ. Jesus asks the men, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” and upon their affirmative response, He touches their eyes and declares, “According to your faith will it be done to you.” This encounter reveals a timeless principle: Jesus’ actions, both in His earthly ministry and even now, are often aligned with the level of faith that individuals place in Him.

Faith as the Key to Receiving

In this passage, Jesus emphasizes that it is not merely His power but the blind men’s faith in His power that determines the outcome of their request. While Jesus has the authority to heal, He asks them to express their belief in His ability before He performs the miracle. Their response—“Yes, Lord”—is an expression of trust and conviction, which sets the stage for their healing.

This moment highlights an essential truth about the nature of faith: belief precedes blessing. Jesus did not heal the men without first confirming their faith in Him. Their healing was not only a demonstration of His power but also of their belief in His capacity to make the impossible happen. Faith, in this sense, becomes the conduit through which God's power flows into their lives.

The Importance of Faith in the Present Day

Even today, the principle of faith still applies in how Jesus works in the lives of believers. Faith is not simply wishful thinking or blind optimism, but a deep trust in Jesus’ ability to fulfill His promises. Just as Jesus asked the blind men, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” He often challenges believers to examine the depth of their faith when they approach Him with their needs.

For many Christians, the experience of receiving from God is intricately tied to their confidence in His willingness and ability to act. When people approach Jesus with doubt or hesitation, they often limit what He can do in their lives. However, when they come to Him with faith, believing that He is able to meet their needs, they open the door for Him to move powerfully.

The Measure of Faith Determines the Outcome

Jesus’ words, “According to your faith will it be done to you,” suggest that the extent of what He does for us can be influenced by the strength of our belief. This does not imply that God’s power is dependent on human faith—He is all-powerful regardless of human belief—but rather that our faith positions us to receive what He already desires to give.

In other instances in the Gospels, such as in Matthew 13:58, Jesus is said to have performed fewer miracles in certain places “because of their unbelief.” This further illustrates the point that faith plays a critical role in determining how much of God’s power and blessings we experience in our lives. When believers approach Jesus with strong, unwavering faith, they align themselves with His will and open their lives to His miraculous intervention.

Faith as a Relationship of Trust

At its core, faith is a relational trust between the believer and Christ. Just as the blind men placed their confidence in Jesus’ ability to restore their sight, modern-day believers are called to place their trust in His ability to work in every area of life—whether it be healing, provision, guidance, or protection. The extent to which we trust Jesus shapes how we experience His presence and power.

Faith also invites a deeper relationship with Christ. In asking, “Do you believe I am able to do this?” Jesus not only addresses the men’s physical need but also engages their hearts, prompting them to declare their trust in Him. Today, faith continues to serve as a means of deepening intimacy with Christ. As believers trust Him with their needs, they experience more of His character and faithfulness.


The story of the two blind men in Matthew 9:27-29 demonstrates the vital connection between faith and receiving from Jesus. Just as He asked them to affirm their belief before healing them, Jesus still calls on people today to express faith in His power and goodness before He acts on their behalf. The measure of faith often determines the extent to which His power is revealed in our lives. Faith, therefore, is not just a requirement for receiving but a relational trust that opens the door to experiencing the fullness of God’s promises and blessings.

Do you believe today that Jesus can do what you want him to do for you?

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