What Do We Do Now?
Contributed by Bobby Stults on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A sermon following a great 4 night multi-church revival/crusade in our community where many were saved and rededicated their lives to Christ
Sermon Brief
Date Written: April 27, 2007
Date Preached: April 29, 2007
Where Preached: OZHBC (AM)
Sermon Details:
Sermon Title: What are we going to do now?
Sermon Text: Luke 10:1-20
Wow what a great 4 nights of services we had this past week! Let me share with you that if you missed any or all of these services you missed out on a blessing that was refreshing to the soul… and when we look at this past week we can say that the Albany Area-Wide Crusade was a success in many ways.
There were close to or over 300 people at every service including Monday and Tuesday nights. The love offering was tremendous on all 4 nights especially on Wednesday night. The preaching was simple, straight-forward and God-inspired. The music was lively, upbeat and led us into worship each night. But do these meetings represent ‘revival’ in our midst?
I believe that the ultimate test will be how we honestly answer the question, “What are we going to do now?”
After all revival is something we all long for… or at least I would hope we all long for – but just what is revival:
• Revival is the humbling of God’s people before God
• Revival is the people of God seeking the face of God
• Revival is the people of God submitting to the plan and purpose of God
I believe that believers tend to limit revival to simply the winning of lost souls, and although that is must be our central focus, but, revival is truly about preparing the hearts and lives of God’s people to do God’s work.
The salvation of souls should come about as the RESULT of what revival does to the church member… Revival should bring about a newly refreshed and freshly washed believer who is ready to take on Hell with a water pistol!
The great evangelist of the mid 20th century Leonard Ravenhill once wrote this about revival, he said,
“…revival is like childbirth in that the fruit of your labor is only revealed after much time, tension and travail…”
I believe in our case, I would take that illustration just a bit further. I know that this past week and the services we experienced were a tremendous blessing… but is that all there is to revival? I say NO, that revival is NOT over but what we have experienced is beginning!
I dare say that this past week of services and experiences we have had were the conception of a revival that is on its way in our community.
I truly believe that TRUE revival is coming but that is going to require time, tension and travail on our part as a fellowship before the fruit of our labor will be revealed.
We have experienced the joy of conception and now we must remain faithful and true to God through the gestation period before TRUE revival can be fully revealed and made visible for ALL to see…
We all know that when a woman becomes pregnant it is supposed to be a happy and joyful occasion in her life. She begins to think about the baby and the wonderful joy of being a mother. She doesn’t dwell on the pregnancy, but focuses on the result and blessing of the birth of her child!
Like the mother and child, the church and TRUE revival should be the same way! We should be of the same mind as a mother waiting for her baby to be born.
We know that TRUE revival is coming, and we know that we are going to have to face many trials and tensions and travails before it gets here!
But let’s look to the joy of knowing that God is bringing revival our way and not at our current situation and circumstance! Today may look bleak but know that God has a better future in store for us… REVIVAL IS COMING!
And like a mother who wants her baby to be the healthiest baby possible she is going to change a few things about who she is…
She will change the way she eats, the way she exercises, the way she entertains… everything about her begins to focus on the health and well being of that baby.
Our church has conceived revival this past week and many left those meetings with joyful and refreshed spirits. But if we truly desire revival in our midst we have to be willing to be like an expectant mother… we must be willing to change the way we do things to enhance our spiritual health and ensure good health to the revival that is coming!
So once again I want to ask the question, “What do we do now?”
Well this morning I want us to turn to the Gospel of Luke chapter 10:1-20…and stand in honor of the reading of God’s Word…