
Summary: Morality is decaying in our world today and Christianity has become loose

Beloved, three branches can be deduce from this text for our reflection;

1. The barren branch

2. The productive branch

3. The abundance or a Successful branch

The branches considered as barren will be cut off or removed to allow room and resources for the living branches to accomplish their purpose. These barren branches are those who claim to be Christians, and yet have no life giving connection to the true vine, Jesus. They are people who only focus on themselves; who do not motivate or encourage others when they perform good deeds, but would rather choose to criticize them. These branches always find mistakes of others, and also try to pull them down. The barren branches are those who pride themselves in sharing the Christian Faith and yet engage in all kinds of immortal acts, conduct or behaviour.

The second notion brethren, refers to those branches that bear fruit and are pruned by God. That is, those who are productive. This can be associated with Christians who believe that nothing in this life comes easy. They give their all through perseverance and endurance; they avail themselves for formation and transformation. They are those who even in suffering, keep on trusting in the vine. Because they believe it is better to wear out than to rust out.

As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, so you and I are called to always abide in Jesus for our source of strength and renewal; and when he is also in us, then you and I can bear much fruit which is our last notion. The notion of abundance, success, achievement and reward, after you and I have been pruned by God.

Therefore I would like to challenge you to weigh and assess yourself the kind of branch you are, a barren or a productive one?

Praise be to Jesus Christ now and forever, AMEN!

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