
Summary: I love Christmas. But this is a difficult, unexpected kind of Christmas.Christmas is the celebration of the entrance of the “Intelligent Designer” of the Universe.

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In Jesus Holy Name December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve–Matthew 1:20b-21 Redeemer

“Were Can I Find the Intelligent Designer?”

I love Christmas. But this is a difficult, unexpected kind of Christmas. Families have had to make adjustments. Churches have had to make adjustments. Even so, I’m not going grumble about the hassles at the jam packed grocery store. Nor the Salvation Army bell ringers. Even if Christmas services are not in person I know someone will ask the big Christmas question? What is the big deal about a baby in a manger? In this Christmas season I’m here to tell you that the “Intelligent Designer of the Universe” came into the world He created.

“Intelligent Design” is the theory that life, or the universe, cannot have arisen by chance. It was designed and created by some “intelligent” entity. Christmas is the celebration of the entrance of the “Intelligent Designer” of the Universe. To acknowledge that the omnipotent “Intelligent Designer” of the universe would take the form of a helpless infant… is what staggers the intellectual mind. This is foolishness to scientific mind. The “Intelligent Designer of the Universe chose His entrance through the womb of a virgin. The family used a cattle feeding box for His first crib in Bethlehem.

The day and place of His birth is not accidental or incidental. No acts are random or wasted. A king ordered a census. Joseph was forced to travel. Mary, as round as a ladybug, bounced on a donkey’s back. The hotel in Bethlehem was full. The hour was late. The event was one big hassle. Yet out of the hassle, hope for peace with the Creator of the Universe was born. (Max Lucado Because Bethlehem p.

I don’t like hassles. But I love Christmas because it reminds me of the eternal promise that comes with the child in the manger of wood. Long after the guests have left. Long after the carolers have gone home. Long after the Christmas lights have come down, the promises of peace with the Creator endures.

The true hope of the human heart is to know our eternal destiny. The true hope of the human heart is to have peace with God. When our brain waves cease. And they will. When our heart stops beating. And it will. Is there any hope beyond the pretty boxes under my tree? Yes. The “Intelligent Designer” was born and placed in the manger to rescue you and me. Mary and Joseph gave Him the name Jesus. Thirty three years later He would be crucified on the wooden cross as the perfect substitute for our imperfect life. His blood-soaked cross would remove any broken commandments by faith. Then the promise of forgiveness and eternal life would be verified by the empty stone grave of Jesus. He rose from death and the grave. This is the story of Christmas.

If it was just a baby’s birth we are celebrating today, Christmas would leave our hearts empty. We would dread the end of our days upon this earth. The celebration of Christmas is about God’s gift of Himself to the world. So remove the gifts that hide the manger. Don’t let the Bethlehem manger be covered up by the silver and gold tinsel. Red and green bows, the paper wrapped boxes must not hide the reason for the season.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Colossians: “God was pleased to have His full deity dwell in Jesus, who is the “visible presence of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15-23, 2:14) He walked the dusty roads of Galilee. He walked on the stone pavements of the Jerusalem temple. History verifies for us that Jesus lived in Nazareth. He was a worker of miracles. He healed the blind and lame. He raised people from the dead.

History verifies for us that He was arrested. He was placed on trial before Pontius Pilate. His life on earth came to an end on the cross outside the walls of Jerusalem. His friends buried Him in a borrowed tomb of stone. The Romans sealed the stone grave to no avail. His resurrection shattered the Roman seal. .

“It was ….. through His blood shed on the cross that “brings each believer” back into friendship with our “Intelligent Designer”. Because of Jesus, everyone who has broken God’s commandments are judged free from accusation. Why? Because Jesus did not stay dead. He rose from death with a glorified resurrected body. His resurrection destroyed the Devil’s ability to keep people in slavery to their fear of death. His resurrection guarantees peace for our soul. This is what brings us together to remember His birth.

Leave the manger and stand at the cross where Jesus offered His life for your eternity. Leave the manger and stand at the empty open tomb and know that every promise Jesus made, including the defeat of death is a Christmas box filled with hope. Jesus was born to restore peace between us and our Creator. It happened the moment Jesus shed His blood on the cross. In that moment God removed our broken friendship, our separation. In that moment, God chose to see each believer as “holy in His sight, without blemish, free from accusation if you place your faith in Jesus.

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