
Summary: Encountering God's Glory can also transform your bodies, renew your strength, and make you able to withstand a greater amount of God's Glory. Those who encounter God's Glory will (or might) not age, but will renew their strength and become like a young person in their prime.

Lord, I cannot withstand the full weight or intensity of your glory, but you still come down in all your Glory. My body was not designed to withstand or endure such a high level(intensity) of your glory. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, they lost their ability to withstand the weight of God in all His glory. If God had not sent Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, they would have been destroyed by God’s full glory and holiness. So God had no choice but to send Adam and Eve out of the garden to save and protect them. After the fall, God in all of His glory is an unwithstandable being for humans.

Humanity cannot withstand or sustain God in all His Glory. For example, the weight or intensity of God in all His Glory is equivalent to 100,000 volts. We are like wires that are capable of conducting 240 volts only. When 100,000 volts of God’s Glory pass through us (which are capable of 240v), what would happen to us? We would blast, burst or break in nano seconds withholding such Glory. But God, you still come in your complete glory. If we become sick after encountering you in all your glory, we are fine, and it is for our own good. Maybe encountering God's Glory could increase our lifespan, renew our strength, improve our health, remove dead cells, or prepare us for eternity in earth itself.

Moses started his ministry at the age of 80 and continued for about 40 years. Despite having many sleepless nights and no food for many days, he was not sick anytime. He did not die from old age. Encountering God's Glory surely transformed his body, renewed his strength, age, cells, and improved his health. He was doing things as if he were a young person, and his health was improving as he grew older.

Encountering God’s Glory has lot of health benefits. It can extend your lifespan, renew your strength, age, and cells and make you perform tasks as if you were a young person in their prime. George Mueller is another example of how God can renew our strength as we age. At the age of 70, he began a 17-year missionary journey. He preached in the United States, India, Australia, Japan, China, and nearly forty other countries.

Encountering God's Glory can also transform your bodies, renew your strength, and make you able to withstand a greater amount of God's Glory. Those who encounter God's Glory will (or might) not age, but will renew their strength and become like a young person in their prime.

What would happen if God comes in all his Glory every Sunday? How many people would have been killed. God's great work on the cross is not only saving humanity, but also shielding them from His wrath and glory. Our sins deserve death, but Jesus' blood protects us from the harmful effects of God's Holiness and wrath. God, in all His glory, is the most feared and frightening entity in the entire universe. When prophets saw a glimpse of God in all His glory before the throne, they instantly fell facedown.

When Daniel had a glimpse(or vision) of God's glory, he became sick for many days. Glimpses of God's Glory made people sick or fall facedown; imagine how it will be like if we physically experience God in all of His Glory.

This generation is so happy with small bits and pieces of God’s glory. They think it is enjoyable to experience God's glory. God's Glory comes with an intensity or weight that is God's Holiness. They have not reached the stage of experiencing the heat of God's Glory in God's presence. They did not experience the heat or intensity of God's Glory, which causes them to radically repent, fear, and revere God. This heat will burn both sin and you. God's Glory is not a falling of gold dust experience or a supernatural experience; rather, it is a place where we experience the touch of God's holiness, which causes us to radically repent, instilling a holy fear(dread) and reverence. The mere presence of God causes our entire body to quiver.

It's frightening to experience God's Glory with sin in our lives. It may destroy sin or the person with sin. With sin, when Saul(Paul) experienced God's Glory, he lost his eyesight, and Belshazzar's countenance changed and the joints of his hips were loosened and his knees knocked against each other. Without sin, when prophets encountered God's Glory, they fell facedown instantly. Encountering God's Glory, with or without sin, is both frightening and reverential experience..

Today, do you want to experience God in all of His glory, or are you satisfied with bits and pieces of His majesty? Ask God to let you experience all of his glory at least once in your lifetime, whether you are capable of enduring it or not. Let your prayer be, "Lord, I cannot withstand the weight your full glory, but you still come in all your glory."

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