Wedding Day In Heaven Series
Contributed by Kevin Broyhill on Sep 25, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: Psalm 45 is a magnificent song of praise, celebrating a royal wedding. Not just an earthly wedding; it’s pointing to a heavenly one. Let's learn what it means to love the One who first loved us.
Wedding Day in Heaven!
Psalm 45
Psalm 45 – is one of if not the most magnificent songs of praise and worship found in the 150 Psalms that made up the Hebrew Hymbook.
Story Behind the Psalm:
Don’t know who the human penman was that wrote Psalm 45… wants no glory for himself… desires for all the glory to go the one he is singing of.
v.1 – “My heart is inditing a good matter” = (lit) to bubble up, to gush forth – heart so caught up in the moment… so overwhelmed with joy of the occasion he couldn’t hold it in…
v.1c – “my tongue is the pen of a ready writer” = not only has to do with skill but also eagerness – “from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” … on this day the Psalmists heart like an artesian well bubbling up and gushing forth words of praise and adoration.
What’s the Occasion???
v.1b – “I speak of the thing which I have made touching the king” = it’s King’s wedding day!!!
Divinely Inspired Title:
“Shoshannim” = (lit) whiteness – Lilies that carpeted the fields in Israel in the springtime – tune which the Psalm was sung.
“A Song of loves” = wedding song composed for the King’s wedding day.
Obvious from the words of the Psalm that the Psalmist had in mind another king other than Solomon… not earthly King but a Heavenly King… inspired Psalmist looking beyond Solomon to Solomon’s greater Son, King Jesus… wedding not on earth but in Heaven.
Look: Rev.19:7 – Wedding Day of the great King… Lord Jesus our Heavenly Bridegroom…. Married to His Gentile bride the church!
Look: 45.6 – “O God” = never use those words of a mere man – Solomon may have been a great man, but he wasn’t the God-man… words can only be used of the Lord Jesus who alone is God and Man!
Hebrews 1:8,9 = quotation of Psalm 45:6,7 applied to Jesus.
Lord Jesus = Shoshannim or Lilies… that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed or robed like one of them… behold a greater than Solomon is here.
Psalm 45 = Maschil Psalm – teach us how to love Him who first loved us!
Psalm easily divides into 2 parts… describes this, “Wedding Day in Heaven!”
1. The Coming of the Bridegroom!
Bridegroom enters and it takes the Psalmist breath away!
Illust: Bible days Middle Eastern weddings far different than in our western culture. Saturday Noah & Ashlyn will be married here at our church… sorry Noah but you will be hardly noticed… all eyes will be on Ashlyn as she comes down the isle… bride takes center stage.
Middle Eastern culture it was the bridegroom that had center stage… when Bridegroom entered all eyes were on him.
Scene before us in the opening verses of Psalm 45:
A. His Countenance
v.2a – “Thou art fairer than the children of men…”
“Fairer” = beautified with beauty.
Isa. 53:7 – “There is no beauty that we should desire him…”
When He comes a 2nd time… bride is presented to the Heavenly Bridegroom… far different… see Him as He is! See the King in His beauty!!
His beauty and His glory will be absolutely without equal!
B. His Communication
v.2b – “grace is poured into thy lips…” = speaks of the gracious words that fell from the lips of the Son of God.
Jesus = bringer of Grace!
John 1:14 – “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”
- Leper = I will be thou clean
- Lame man = wilt thou be made whole
- Woman at well = water that I shall give thee
- Sick of the Palsy = son, be of good cheer thy sins be forgiven thee
- Disciples = let not your heart be troubled
Never man spake like this man!
C. His Conquest
Jesus = pictured as a Warrior-King
• Glory (1b) – pictures Jesus coming in all His glory Rev. 19
• Goodness (4a) – throughout the centuries kings & potentates have rule out of selfishness, greed, lust for power and control… King Jesus will reign in truth, humility and uprightness… His rule will be a righteous rule… kingdom will be a righteous kingdom. Set wrongs of this world right!
• Greatness (4b-5) – looks forward to Armageddon… destroy the antichrist and his armies… satan defeated… cast into the lake of fire!
D. His Crown
v.6a – all other leader’s thrones temporary…their rule comes to an end… Christ’s is eternal!
Isaiah 9:7 – “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end.”
Rev. 11:15 – coming a day when, “The kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ: and he shall reign for ever and ever.”