Wedding Ceremony
Contributed by Bruce Ball on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A wedding ceremony I gave when I married my daughter and her fiance. I used the blending of sand to represent the blending of two lives which blend into one marriage.
Dan and Kimberly, you have come together today to give thanks for, and to participate in, God’s wonderful gift of marriage. Marriage was meant to endure all things, and is never to be taken for granted, but to be held in high esteem at all times.
EPHESIANS 5:22, tells the woman to submit unto her husband as unto the Lord. This means that the wife must always be supportive of the husband, helping him to be submissive to the Lord in all he does.
In VERSE 25, it tells the husband to love his wife just as Christ loved the church, and even give himself up for her. This means he must always hold her in high esteem at all times, paying close attention to lift her up in all he does.
Each of you are to love the other with a humble heart that is submissive to each other and to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
God has ordained the husband to be the spiritual head of the household, and it is he alone who is responsible for the direction in which the marriage is headed. The wife must let him be that responsible person. She must be willing to be his equal helpmate and to encourage him as he lifts the marriage toward the Lord. And the husband is to include the wife in all plans and decisions, especially the spiritual ones, loving her enough to seek her advice, too.
God made man, and soon decided that man should have a mate; a woman whom he could love and depend upon. So God took a bone from Adam to make Eve. Please notice that He did not take a bone from the head of Adam so that Adam could rule over Eve, nor did He take a bone from Adam’s foot so that Adam could walk over Eve.
God took a bone from Adam’s side so that the two of them could be equals, friends, helpmates, and could walk side by side as equal halves of the whole relationship.
Dan and Kimberly, as you begin your life’s journey here today, I remind you to always keep in step with each other and to always be respectful of the other, and to always find ways to keep the passions of your love ignited.
You will notice that there are four smaller vessels before us, each having a different color of sand within it. Each vessel is a separate and beautifully unique unit. The four vessels represent Dan, Kim, Alex, and Caleb. (Groom, bride, and the two teen-aged children of the groom.)
Each of you come into this relationship with your individual experiences and unique personalities. You are going to pour each smaller vessel of sand into the larger empty vessel. As you do, notice that something wonderful happens.
As the sand blends together into the larger vessel, it becomes beautiful beyond compare and unique in all its wonder. As the four of you blend together to make this marriage relationship, the same thing happens - you become one unit of unique beauty and wonder for all to see.
DAN - will you take Kimberly to be your wife, to live together in the Holy Covenant of marriage; to love her, comfort her, and keep her in sickness and in health - forsaking all others and being faithful to her as long as you both shall live? If so, please say, "I will."
KIMBERLY - will you have Dan to be your husband, to live together in the Holy Covenant of marriage; to love him, comfort him, and keep him in sickness and in health - forsaking all others and being faithful to him as long as you both shall live? If so, please say, "I will."
You are exchanging rings as a symbol of your never-ending love for one another. Please turn to face one another as you take and hold each other’s hand, looking into the other’s eyes.
DAN - put the ring on Kimberly’s finger and repeat after me.
"I take you Kimberly - - to be my wedded wife - - and I give you this ring - - as a sign of the promise - - I make to you and God today."
KIMBERLY, - put the rijng on Dan’s finger and repeat after me.
"I , take you Dan - - to be my wedded husband - - and I give you this ring - - as a sign of the promise - - I make to you and God today."
As you begin your life’s journey together, go forward as equal halves of the one whole marriage; as friends and lovers: always walking side by side being helpmates to one another.
By the authority vested in me by God and the State of Arizona, I pronounce you husband and wife.