
Summary: EPIPHANY 6 - Believers in Christ worship the Lord. Our Lord God Almighty created all things. Our Lord God Almighty gives mankind light.

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February 13, 2011 - Epiphany 6 - ISAIAH 42:5-9

INTRO: Our nation is blessed with the freedom of religion. People are free to worship in any way they so desire. There is a plurality of religions in our country. In today’s world people also like to pick and choose what they want in/for their god. People like to hear about God’s love but not his justice. Everyone loves to listen about heaven but not hell. It is the same with forgiveness but not sin. Sadly many try to pick only those things that are appealing to them. We cannot really have one without the other. No one needs forgiveness if there is nothing to forgive. We need to admit our sinfulness. Mankind simply is to worship God for what and who he is. "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength" (DEUTERONOMY 6:4, 5). Today’s text guides us to look more closely at the Lord.


I. The Lord created all things.

II. The Lord gives mankind light.


A. Isaiah 42 is a chapter that teaches believers about the servant of the Lord = Jesus the Christ.

1. Verse 5a. These are the words of the Lord. The Lord created the earth, heavens: universe.

2. Such is the power of the Lord God Almighty. His word brought everything into existence.

B. Verse 5b. The Lord also created everything that lives and moves and breathes.

C. Now the Lord God Almighty did not create all things to let them be on their own. God provides.

1. Verse 6a. The Lord takes hold of the hand of the servant, Jesus. The Lord keeps him safe.

2. Specifically the servant of the Lord is Jesus. In general believers are also servants of the Lord.

D. Believers be thankful that by grace God has revealed his truths to us. The Lord God Almighty has opened our hearts to believe that he is the creator of all things. Why is this so important to know and to believe? The creator of the universe is our loving Lord, our heavenly Father. There is no other god like him because he is the only true God. Other false religions have made up their creation stories. Some even adapt them from the true Biblical account in Genesis. Only the in Genesis are we shown simply and very clearly how the earth and everything else came into being. "By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible"(HEBR, 11:3). It is only the Lord who creates. Mankind can only use what God has already creation for his “creations”.

E. Think about the miraculous fact: God who created all things is our Lord. The Lord God Almighty is the true God that we worship. The Lord did not stop after creating things that were not alive. The Lord also created man. There was a vast difference in the creation of man. Everything else in the universe was created at the powerful spoken word of the Lord. When it came to man the Lord used what he had already created. The Lord took time out to use the dust of the earth to create the crowning glory of all of his creation. "The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being"(GENESIS 2:7). Into this dust the Lord God Almighty breathed life – a soul. Each of us has an eternal soul. It is the very eternal breath of God in each of us. For all the rest of creation the Lord said, “Let there be…” We worship the Lord for his breath of life.

F. Now the Lord did not create the world and let it on its own. No, the Lord who created all things also takes care of everything he has created. There is not even one sparrow that falls to the ground without his knowledge. The Lord God Almighty even know the number of hairs on each of our heads. This is trivial knowledge. Such concern shows us the depth of the care and concern that the almighty God has for each and every one of us. "For the LORD loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones. They will be protected forever, but the offspring of the wicked will be cut off; the righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever" (PSALM 37:28, 29). The believer will inherit heaven to live in it forever. We worship.

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