
Summary: Jesus is true God. The Father is God. The Holy Spirit is God.

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June 4, 2023 – Trinity Sunday – MATTHEW 3:13-17

INTRO.: The whole earth is full of the Lord’s glory! Part of the Lord’s glory includes the Biblical teaching about the Triune God. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in three persons: One God. Such a truth might stretch one’s human thinking. Faith thinking believes what the Scriptures reveal to us as truth. Jesus spoke of the Triune God: Father, Holy Spirit, and himself, the Son of God. “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I told you” (JOHN 14:26). WE SEE (AND HEAR) THE TRIUNE GOD AT JESUS’ BAPTISM.

I. Jesus is true God. II. The Father is God. III. Holy Spirit is God.


A. Verse 13. Jesus came to be baptized by John: The baptizer. The Jordan river had water.

1. Verse 14. John tried to stop Jesus. The ever-humble John felt unworthy for such a task.

2. John knew Jesus was more than a man. He was the promised Messiah, Christ, anointed.

B. Verse 15. Jesus answered John’s reluctance: “…it is proper to fulfill all righteousness.”

1. Jesus came to do his Father’s will. Jesus would also fulfill all the laws of mankind.

2. The human flesh could be put to death. Jesus’ perfect obedience paid the price for sin.

C. Jesus took on human flesh and blood. This flesh and blood body of Jesus would suffer, die, and be buried. Jesus also was true God. Jesus rose again on the third day. This is God’s resurrection power! Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection paid the price for the world’s disobedience. Only the perfect life of Jesus could, would, and did pay for our sins. The sins of the world. "For just as through the disobedience of one man the many became sinners, so also through the obedience of one man the many will become righteous" (ROMANS 5:19). The one man who disobeyed was Adam. Jesus is the man who obeyed. Saved us.

D. All too many try to rob Jesus of his divinity. Some religions like Jesus. But they wrongly believe and teach he was just a good man. Teacher. Miracle worker. They do not worship the one true God: Triune God. Some claim Jesus did not call himself God. Or Lord. In the gospel of John Jesus clearly stated: “I and the Father are One” (10:22). Over and over God’s Word simply states the Jesus is God. "We know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true, in his Son, Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life” (1 JOHN 5:20).

WE SEE THE TRIUNE GOD AT JESUS’ BAPTISM. Jesus, the Christ, is true God.


A. John baptized Jesus in the Jordan river. All righteousness fulfilled. Jesus came out of the Jordan.

B. Verse 17. A voice out of the heavens declared: “This is my Son, whom I love.”

1. A voice from heaven? Could only be the voice of God. Testimony again: Jesus is God’s Son.

2. John heard the voice of God. The gathered crowd heard God’s voice. Proof positive.

C. The voice of our heavenly Father is powerful. The Lord God of heavenly Armies created the world and everything in it. The Lord created everything that was seen from things that were not visible. This is creation definition. The Lord did all this by his Word. “Let there be!” And it was. Note the care our loving, heavenly Father took at the creation of mankind. He used what was created to make his crowning glory of all creation. “The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being" (GENESIS 2:7). Simple dust with divine breath of God yields miraculous human body. Complex bodies. Father’s creation power.

D. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord! The whole earth is full of his glory. Look around and be filled with awe and wonder at all things created. Our world is renewed every spring. The Lord created seasons for the land to rest. Be renewed. Come to life. The Lord has established the boundaries of land. Oceans. Planets. Stars. In all of this majestic and awesome power the Lord God of Armies is our Father.

"And because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts to shout, ‘Abba, Father!’" (GALATIANS 4:6). We experience great love in earthly, family relationships. The love of our heavenly Father is greater. Perfect. Eternal. Anytime, anywhere we can cry out to our Father: Father.

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