
Summary: We never walk alone. The Lord is always near to bless us. The Lord is always here for us to praise him.

INTRO: We are never alone. We just sang: “I walk in danger all the way…I walk with Jesus all the way…our walk is heavenward all the way. ”We are never alone. God is always with us. At our right hand. Day in and day out. Anywhere. Everywhere. "Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your Presence? If I go up to heaven, you are there. If I make my bed in hell—there you are!" (PSALM 139:7, 8). There is no escaping from the presence of the Lord. WE NEVER WALK ALONE. I. The Lord is always near to bless his children. II. The Lord is always here for his children to praise him.


A. Verse 10. Jacob was running away from his twin brother, Esau. Esau planned to kill Jacob.

1. Esau was angry over his inheritance. He was older it was his. Jacob now possessed it.

2. Jacob was alone, planning to go to Haran. This was a 500-mile journey. Weeks of travel.

B. Verse 11. The sun had set. Time to stop. Sleep. A stone was Jacob’s pillow. Hopeless.

1. Verse 12. Jacob dreamt about a stairway to heaven. Angels were going up and down.

2. Verse 13. The Lord was at the top. “I am the LORD…” Great comfort. Blessing. Not alone.

3. Verse 14. Lord promised Jacob many descendants. Would be a blessing for all nations.

C. Verse 15. Lord: “I am with you…will watch over you…bring you back…done what I have promised you.”

D. Consider Jacob for a moment. Fleeing for his life. Brother hates him enough to kill him. Alone. Night. Stone pillow. Weeks of travel. Does not seem like anything is going his way. Forsaken. Forgotten. Ever felt a bit like Jacob?!? “Oh, woe is me!” The Lord had great plans for Jacob. The Lord has great plans for us. We are not alone. Never. Ever. The Lord is always near us. Always near to bless us. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to give you peace, not disaster, plans to give you hope and a future” (JEREMIAH 29:11). Our world today is chipping away at God’s promised plans. There is no hope. Our future? We are destroying the climate. Killing the earth. And peace? When was the last time the world spoke of peace? The Lord’s plans are what matter the most. God gives us hope. He controls all things for our good. Our future is perfectly safe, waiting in heaven. We have the peace of God that goes beyond human understanding. God knows us. Loves us. Forgives us. PEACE!

E. Our enemies are all around us. None of them have any power in comparison the Lord God of Armies. Satan wants us give up hope. Wants us to doubt. Wants us with him in eternal punishment. The world tempts us to eat, drink, and be merry. Our sinful flesh tries to lead us astray. Tries to make the broad path to destruction seem desirable. Be thankful the Lord is near us. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid and do not be terrified before them, because the LORD your God is going with you. He will not abandon you and he will not forsake you” (DEUTERONOMY 31:6). We tell Satan to get behind us. We say “NO” to the temptation of this world. We flee from our earthly desires and lusts. The Lord is near us to bless.

F. We face temptations and spiritual battles head on with the power or the Word of the Lord. Our first reading (DEUT. 30:14) reminded us that the word is near us. In our mouths and hearts. In chapter 1 of John’s gospel we are comforted in knowing the Word became flesh. Jesus was born. Lived. Died. Was buried. Rose again from the dead. All of this willingly. Humbly. To bless us eternally. "For you gave him authority over all flesh, so that he (Jesus) may give eternal life to all those you have given him. This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent" (JOHN 17:2, 3).

WE NEVER WALK ALONE. The Lord is always near us to bless his children.


A. The situation seemed hopeless. Jacob alone. Running away from family. Night. Stone pillow.

1. Lord comforts Jacob with a dream. Jacob is not alone.

2. This was a dream of comfort. Hope. Future. Blessings.

B. Verse 16. Jacob woke up. Now knew “certainly the LORD is in this place, and I was not aware of it.”

1. Verse 17. Awe-inspiring place. “This is the gate to heaven.”

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