
Summary: Just as Adam walked in the Garden with God, as is related in Genesis 3:8, this intimacy can be had today if we don’t squeeze Him out!

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Title: We Need to Marginize!

Theme: Rest / Margin

Thesis: Jesus calls us to rest.

Text: Mt. 11:28-30 and Mk. 6:31

Intro How many of us are glad to be here today?

Whew!!! or Ffllbbppbb!!! Sigh of relief? or Sigh of exhaustion?


I. Marginless Living

If one more thing comes into my life, I am going to lose it.

Did you know that we live in a time of J-curves? Explain. p.247 (Margin)

travel - supersonic is becoming the norm

crime - over-crowded prisons and courts

communications - instantaneous

science & technology - outdated the hour it is discovered

mass production - a Buick every minute!

stress - measurable symptoms, ways to cope with it

information gathering - on everything, info on info!

advertisement - everywhere on everything

168 hrs in the week

-56 hrs for sleep

-14 hrs for getting ready for work

-40-60 hrs for work

-21 hrs for eating

- shopping, commuting, kids activities, yard work, etc.

squeeze in hobby time and time for ministry

No wonder --- Whew!

We need rest ............ We need Margin

What is margin? Not 1. the area around the text of a page

Not 2. security given to a lender to secure him from potential losses

But 3. an allowance or reserve to meet conditions that can not be foreseen

No One called us to this J-curve pace of life

We forget that simple calling in the beginning

Matthew 11:28-30 a reminder


vs. 28 "I will give you rest" Ampl: "I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls"

We forget this invitation to rest

We come to salvation, happy for the rest, and then get busy for Him having traded past things for new ones.

Granted there are needful things to attend to, but we need built-in margin

vs. 29 "Take My yoke...learn of Me...and you will find rest"

Ampl. " find relief, ease and refreshment and recreation and quiet - for our souls"

vs.30 "My yoke is easy"

contrast ’our yoke’ we can hardly keep up with grk.= well-fitted

Illus. Custom-fitted yoke on older ox, loose on younger ox, young ox grows into yoke and starts to pull weight

Even God’s animals were not made to be on "overload" all the time!

We were made with a need for rest, to keep us "well-fitted"!

II. Marginized Living

Mark 6:31 Jesus calls His disciples to rest


"rest" not #4520 Sabbath keeping, eternal rest in age to come

#1879 To rest on something

#2681 To dwell, settle, pitch one’s tent

#3062 those that are left over

#2663 a resting place, Christ’s presence

but #373 recreation, cessation of work, time off (Mt.11:28 & here)

373 anapauo {an-ap-ow’-o}

from 303 and 3973; TDNT - 1:350,56; v

AV - rest 4, refresh 4, take rest 2, give rest 1, take ease 1; 12

1) to cause or permit one to cease from any movement or labour

in order to recover and collect his strength

2) to give rest, refresh, to give one’s self rest, take rest

3) to keep quiet, of calm and patient expectation

"Come" make a date with Jesus Schedule it in!

"aside by yourselves" you alone, bring nothing, no lists, no agenda, no duty, no words (perfect for when you don’t know what to pray)

"to a deserted place" solitary, desolate, lonely, uninhabited, no distractions

"and rest" just be, as you are

"a while" as long as it takes, long or short, daily or retreats, periodically

Your spouse might paraphrase this:

Your kids might paraphrase this:

Illus. Tradition of Apostle John

John knew what we should know: That we have built into us the need to rest.

It is during these times that He, many times, makes Himself known to us.

He will meet you......He is Faithful 1 Cor 1:9 "God is Faithful by Whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord."

He will reassure you...Rom. 8:16 "bears witness with our spirit"

He will remind you of Scripture...Rom. 15:4 "giving us hope through the comfort of the scriptures"

He will strengthen you....Ps. 27:14 "wait on the Lord and He will strengthen your heart"

Think of the time God has been most evident to you.

Was it in the midst of J-curve living or in the solitude of His presence?

Every J-curve must eventually turn into an S-curve. Why?

Because all things have limits. Cars, toasters material things

Friendships immaterial things

Us Mental,emotional,physical

It is up to us to set those limits.

God will let us burn out, get distressed, work ourselves to a frazzle, ignore our relationships, etc.

He will allow us to keep saying yes to all those things that demand and scream at us.

And we can continue to live a marginless life


We can "come aside for awhile" next to God

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