We Have A Life-Coach! Series
Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Proverbs tells us we have the greatest life-coach we could ever imagine!
• In just 30 minutes each week, we can show YOU how to achieve YOUR goals. YOU matter - success is living a happy, healthy, full life. Private telephone and e-mail coaching combine with assessment profiles to ensure YOU get where YOU want to be... (http://helpyougrowcoaching.com/index.htm?source=life+coach&gclid=CMCB1LTL44sCFQZKYQodRiz_SA)
• There are more and more people who are using the services of what is called a “Life Coach.”
• With roots in executive coaching, which itself drew on techniques developed in management consulting and leadership training, life coaching also draws from a wide variety of disciplines, including sociology, psychology, career counseling, mentoring, and numerous other types of counseling.
• The coach applies mentoring, values assessment, behaviour modification, behaviour modeling, goal-setting, and other techniques in assisting clients. Coaches are to be distinguished from counselors, whether counselors in psychotherapy or other careers. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_coaching)
• People like Alex Rodriguez of the New York Yankee’s uses the services of a life coach to help him make good decisions and to help reach personal goals.
• People are looking for answers in life; they are looking for the motivation to carry on with life.
• I believe that many people want to life what they consider a successful life.
• People are looking to books. Life coaches, various religions, among other things for the answers.
• Today I want to begin a 5 part mini-series entitled “Five Things To know.”
• As Christians, there are many things we need to know about our life in Christ. I want to focus in on five things that were shared with me a long time ago as I started out wanting to become a minister.
• The next five weeks will deal with scriptures that are “life scriptures”. These are passages that can have a profound affect on our lives if we will memorize them and follow them.
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• The first of the 5 things we need to know is that we have a life coach.
• As we go through these 5 things we need to know, I want to encourage you to take the time to memorize the main text each week.
• These passages will be a blessing to you when you struggle through some of the challenges that life has to offer to you.
• Christians do not have to search all over the place looking for guidance; we have the guidance we need to succeed in life from our God.
• Today as we look at Proverbs 3:5-6, we will see that God makes a promise, but that promise has three conditions for us to maintain.
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We must:
• If want to enjoy the benefits of having the ultimate life-coach, we have to be 100% committed to Him.
• Look with me at what part of verse five tells us.
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• Proverbs 3:5 (NASB) 5Trust in the LORD with all your heart…
• This part of the text is part of the commitment we are called to make if we are going to enjoy the benefits of having the ultimate life coach.
• What does it mean to trust? It means that we put our full confidence in something.
• To trust means that we are willing to set our hope and confidence in God.
• In Proverbs 3:5, we are told our trust is to be put in the Lord.
• Why do we have such a hard time with the issue of trust?
• WE struggle with trust because we have been lied to, deceived, and used so many times; it is hard for us to trust.
• When it comes to the issue of trust, what does the writer of Proverbs tell us concerning how MUCH we are supposed to trust in the Lord?
• We are called to trust Him with ALL OF OUR HEART!
• We cannot have a 75% commitment to trusting God and then expect to fully receive the guidance we all want for our lives.
• When we partially trust God what happens?
• He will guide us in a certain direction and because we are not 100% committed to trusting Him; we deviate from His perfect plan and will for our lives.
• When we do not give God a 100% commitment to trust Him we are hurting ourselves.
• If we decide not to trust the Lord with all of our hearts, then who are we going to trust? Let me ask you this, “Who is better the trust than the Lord”?
• Who knows you better than God, who better to know what is best for you than God?
• We cannot be afraid to approach God.
• When we were living on Auburn, I had a tendency to feed stray cats. I had a cat and I like cats. My only stipulation to the cats was that if I fed them, I got to pet them.