Water To Wine—declaring God's Anointed-2
Contributed by Byron Sherman on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: 2 of 6. Jesus turned water to wine in order to initiate/call attention to/set apart His public ministry. Where is Jesus heralded as God’s Anointed? or Why turn water into wine? God’s Anointed is heralded on the stage of...
WATER To WINE—Declaring God's Anointed-II—John 2:1-12
On Stage—
Jesus turned water to wine in order to initiate/call attention to/set apart His public ministry.
Jesus is set apart as God’s Anointed.
Declaring God’s Anointed can/may be accomplished thru particular signs.
Why turn water into wine?
*Where is Jesus set apart as God’s Anointed?
6 stages for heralding God’s Anointed.
Previously we found that God’s Anointed is heralded on the stage of....
2. PRESSURE(:1-3)
3—God’s Anointed is heralded on the stage of...
Explanation:(:4)Will/‘Want to’/Wishes/Push God’s hand
:4—“Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.”
:3—“This group of disciples meant to her[Mary] that Jesus had begun his Messianic work. So she dares propose the miracle to him.”—RWP
Jesus called Mary by a polite(similar to Ma’am) but not endearing term(Mother/Mama/Mommy). Jesus addresses Mary in a manner which now distances Him from her authority, this being due to His entrance into public ministry rather than as her son.
Judging from Jesus’ response(:4) to His mother’s statement, more is to be read into her statement than merely running an errand would afford. She is directly or indirectly responsible for the “wine” if not for other aspects of the celebration.
Either Mary was expecting Him to perform a miracle or she expected Him to take charge & assert Himself in some way to reveal to others who He was. Mary knew what the angel Gabriel had told her(Lk. 1:26-35). She also obviously knew of Jesus’ disciples.
Jesus denounced his mother’s remark as expecting something from Him which He was not at liberty to do until a particular time had come. She needed a ‘miracle.’ He had a particular “hour” which God would make plain to Him, as well as a particular manner in which He would respond in that hour.
“What does your concern have to do with Me?—A Hebrew idiom—literally reads—ti emoi kai soi—=‘What to Me & to you?’
KJV & NASB—“what have I to do with thee?” & “What do I have to do with you?”
When God says, “NO!”—Some get downright mad at God(for not giving them their way)!
We simply need to back away from OUR Desire!
?Do we ‘have peace’ in that situation/decision? And—?Why do we have peace?—?Is it God’s peace or something else?
“Woman”—gunh—1) A woman of any age, whether a virgin, or married, or a widow; 2) A wife—2a) Of a betrothed woman. Strong—A woman; specially--A wife.
“What/Why”—tiv—1) Who, which, what. Strong—an interrogative pronoun, Who, which or what (in direct or indirect questions).
“Your concern...with/Do you Involve”—Added for translational effectiveness—
“Your/You”—soi—Pronoun—1) To you.
“To...me/To me”—emoi—Dative(to/toward) Pronoun—1) I, me, myself, etc. Strong—To me.
“Hour”—wra—1) A certain definite time or season fixed by natural law & returning with the revolving year—1a) Of the seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn, winter; 2) The daytime (bounded by the rising & setting of the sun), a day; 3) A twelfth part of the day-time, an hour, (the twelve hours of the day are reckoned from the rising to the setting of the sun); 4) Any definite time, point of time, moment. Strong—apparently a primary word; An "hour" (literally or figuratively).
“Not yet”—oupw—Adverb—1) Not yet.
“Come”—hkw—1) To have come, have arrived, be present; 2) metaph.—2a) To come to one, i.e. To seek an intimacy with one, become his follower: to come upon one(unexpectedly), 2b) To come upon one, of things endured. Strong—To arrive, i.e. Be present(literally or figuratively). Used 27X.
Gen. 32:28—“And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled[contended] with God & with men, & have prevailed.”
Gen. 35:9, 10—“Then God appeared to Jacob again, when he came from Padan Aram, & blessed him. And God said to him, “Your name is Jacob; your name shall not be called Jacob anymore, but Israel shall be your name.” So He called his name Israel.”
Prevailed in the sense of being the one thru whom God would be glorified.
Job 40:1-5—“Moreover the LORD answered Job, & said: “Shall the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? He who rebukes God, let him answer it.” Then Job answered the LORD & said: “Behold, I am vile; What shall I answer You? I lay my hand over my mouth. Once I have spoken, but I will not answer; Yes, twice, but I will proceed no further.”
In the same manner as God reminded Job in Job chapters 38-42, so Isaiah:
Isa. 40:12-15—“Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, Measured heaven with a span And calculated the dust of the earth in a measure? Weighed the mountains in scales And the hills in a balance? Who has directed the Spirit of the LORD, Or as His counselor has taught Him? With whom did He take counsel, & who instructed Him, And taught Him in the path of justice? Who taught Him knowledge, And showed Him the way of understanding? Behold, the nations are as a drop in a bucket, And are counted as the small dust on the scales; Look, He lifts up the isles as a very little thing.