
Summary: Have you watched the young and old play and chase those huge water bubbles on the beach only to find those big ball of water bubbles perish within a second! This is exactly what is happening in the world today! We are chasing water bubbles!

Water Bubbles!

John 18:36”Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world."

Hey friends, I understand your feelings! Every bit of them. Are you listening? I speak to the youth out there! I speak to each one of you who are wrestling the opulence of this world! I know it is dazzling, glittering and scintillating out there; but, let me tell you it is like those myriad hues of colourful water bubbles that tantalize and tease your emotions and then just vanish! Have you watched the young and old play and chase those huge water bubbles on the beach only to find those big ball of water bubbles perish within a second! This is exactly what is happening in the world today! We are chasing water bubbles! Grow up friends!

I got saved while I was working for a multinational bank and most important I was at the time working for the Cards department. I determined my heart to pay up all my out standings on my Credit Cards and never again, I repeat never again did I go to my boss for any kind of loan. My Credit Card statement was clean and pristine, no out standings at all!! I may not be a potential customer for the bank because my spending is ‘ZERO’; yet Heaven is glorified. Amen. I write this after more than a decade of taking that decision and I still hold my testimony. We have multiple projects in our ministries, be it our Revival retreat camps where we have to spend huge amount of money, be it the running of our Shiloh Revival Church or the Free school that we run called the Abide School, we do all this work depending only on God and never have we borrowed or swiped our credit card to borrow. Believe me, this is truth. Now, let me tell you the cross I had to carry for taking this decision of being aggressively careful in the area of spending money. While I was still working in the bank, the youth who attended my meetings had a mobile when I did not( I’m speaking of something that happened 15 years ago) My colleagues ( I was an Executive) travelled in swanky cars while I travelled in a scooter until the last working day with the bank. After resigning and joining the missionary field as full-time Servant for the Lord, the walk was pretty tough; however, the Lord has blessed me immensely with a good place to live in, good transport, my children are educated well and we stay in good health. Glory to Jesus!

Friend, do you think I’m a monk and I do not desire the splendor of this world, if I say ‘NO’ then this devotion is not rooted in integrity. The desire does creep in like a serpent but I rebuke it in the name of Jesus. Are you listening? Recently I went to visit a Principal of a secular school, the grandeur and pomp of the building right from the gate awed me, the cabin of the Principal was as big as my school! Did you get me right? As I stood and saw the principal sitting in her posh cabin, richly clothed, I felt small, so many thoughts came flashing into my mind, but then I remembered the words of Jesus at that time: “my kingdom is not from the world.” Hallelujah!

One day a rich man took John Wesley around his estate to show his riches, magnificent garden that surrounded his estate, the stables and the large mansion, John Wesley said :”Ah! These are the things that make it hard for a man to die! I cannot be tempted, I have a heaven to go!” Circulate this devotion far and wide! Living in an era of loans and EMI, I’m sure this devotion would cut deep into your heart and speak volumes to you out there!

God bless you,

Bala Samson

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