

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 20, 2023
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This sermon encourages believers to trust in God's plan amidst chaos, reminding them to prepare for Christ's return, despite not knowing the exact timing. Key


Good morning, beloved family of God. As we gather here today, we are united under the banner of His love, His grace, and His divine providence. We are here, not by chance, but by design. For the Lord has a word for us today, a word that will speak to our hearts, stir our spirits, and fortify our faith.

We live in a world that often seems to be spinning out of control, don't we? We see the news, we hear the stories, and we can't help but wonder, "What is happening? Where is God in all of this?"

In times like these, we must remember the words of the great preacher Charles Spurgeon, who once said, "To trust God in the light is nothing, but to trust Him in the dark – that is faith." Today, we will be reminded that our God is not a God of chaos but a God of order, a God who has a plan and a purpose, a God who is preparing us for His glorious return.

Let's turn our hearts and minds to the book of Mark, chapter 13, verses 24 to 37 [read text].

As we prepare to delve into this rich passage, let us bow our heads in prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your Word, for it is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. As we open our hearts to receive Your message today, we ask that You would guide us, teach us, and transform us. Help us to understand Your Word, to apply it to our lives, and to live in the light of Your imminent return. We pray all these things in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Preparing for the Parousia

In the passage we've read, Jesus is speaking to His disciples about the end times, about His return, and about the signs that will precede it. He uses vivid imagery and powerful language to describe a time of great upheaval and change. But amidst all the chaos and confusion, there is a clear and consistent message: Be ready. Be alert. Be prepared.

Preparing for the Parousia is not about predicting the exact date or time of Christ's return. Jesus Himself said, "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." So, if anyone tells you they know when Jesus is coming back, they're mistaken. Our focus should not be on when, but on how we are to live in the light of His return.

This brings us to the first aspect of our preparation: Living in readiness. Jesus uses the analogy of a man going on a journey and leaving his servants in charge. Each servant has a task to do, and the master expects them to be doing their work when he returns. In the same way, each of us has been given a task to do by our Master. We are to use the gifts and talents He has given us to serve Him and to build His kingdom.

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Next, our preparation is staying alert. Jesus warns us not to fall asleep, and not to become complacent or apathetic. We are to be like the servant who is assigned to watch at the door, always on the lookout for the master's return. This doesn't mean we should live in fear or anxiety but in a state of eager expectation.

Thirdly, understand the signs of the times. Jesus talks about the sun being darkened, the moon not giving its light, the stars falling from the sky, and the heavenly bodies being shaken. These are symbolic images that speak of a time of great turmoil and upheaval. But they are also signs that the Son of Man is coming in clouds with great power and glory. Be discerning, understand the times we are living in, and recognize the signs of His coming.

Finally, our preparation is holding on to the promises of God. Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away." In a world that is constantly changing, we have a sure and steadfast anchor in the Word of God. His promises are true, His Word is reliable, and His love is unchanging. We are to hold on to His promises, to trust in His Word, and to live in the light of His love.

Perseverance in the Present

Next, we find ourselves amid a present reality that is fraught with challenges and uncertainties ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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