
Summary: This sermon is to describe the different type church going people we have inside the church. They are compared to a particualar type of animal that has the same characteristics. Be blessed!!!

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Giving all honors and obediance to God the father, the son, and the Holy Ghost. It is indeed an honor as well as a pleasure to be found in the house of God one more time. I am like David when he said, "I was glad when they said come let us go into the house of the Lord." For the Lord is good in greatness and he is great in goodness. I’m glad to see as many people who are present tonight and just for that cause you ought to be jumping and shouting because it’s not who you are that you are here, but it’s who you know. I know that I am well taken care of while preaching because I have God the father above me, I’ve got his son Jesus Christ beside me, I’ve got the holy spirit within me, and I’ve got all of his angels encamped around me. And if that’s too complicated for you, Ive got the creator inside of the creation. Those who you who brought your weapon (Bible) please look with me at Philippians 3:2. The main objective here is a dog. I have a story about a dog and it goes a little like this: There was a little dog inside on a porch inside of a gate. Every time someone walks past the gate he would run to the fence and bark, bark, bark. But one day his owners forgot to close the gate. Someone walked past the house and the little dog came flying off of the porch and when he noticed the gate was open. He ran back up on the porch and went to sleep. And that’s the way it is in the church. Some folk would raise a hundred dollars worth of Hell about something as long as the gate is locked, but when we have to face the issue the first thing they say is Bro. Pastor I don’t know a thing about that. As far as I know Bro./Sis. so-and-so is alright. See the gate is open now. But don’t worry about them phise dogs, you just watch those dogs.

Well the second type dog is a chow dog. He has a black tongue. And he’s a very treacherous dog. Chow dog he’s playful when he’s a puppy, but when he get’s old he get’s trecherous. Let me tell you the church has suffered enough fights, falling outs, and splits because of treacherous folk. Trechery is the greatest enemy the church has ever had. Trechery is the worst virus in human nature. Trechery is confounded of evil strawed, cowardness, and revenge. Trechery is a cancer in our society. It will eat away love and peace. Trechery is the greatest traitor that ever committed domestic treason. Trecherywill stop the choir from singing; trechery wil stop the ushers from serving; trechery will stop a church from shouting. Trechery is a little dog in the middle of big dogs. you just watch them dogs.

One day these dogs were in a yard and they found a bone. The little dog stayed back and let the big dogs fight over the bone and while the big dogs were fighting the little dog came and picked up the bone and politely walked away with it. And when the big digs stopped fighting they looked and the bone and the little dog were gone. Well this happens in our church. While the preacher and the deacons are arguing over something, the other fellow takes over and goes on off with the church. You better watch them dogs. The next type of dog is a curr dog. He is fanous for being a coward. He tucks his tail and runs quick. Or he’ll run with a gang of dogs but when the fighting comes, he runs out. There are people in the church that will follow the crowd, but when the church needs them, when it comes down to him standing up and stating his conviction, he’s quick to say I ain’t got nothing to do with that. I’m neutral. There ain’t a neutral ground when right and wrong is involved. You better watch them curr dogs. The third type dog is a coon dog. He is a type of night prowling church member. He runs only at night. Trailing in the dark. Throwing a brick and hiding his hands. We got coon dogs in our church. They come to church on Sunday morning and sleep all the way through service because they have been out all night long. They want to bring all their sins in the church and lay them on the pastor. That’s why they get frustrated when they hear that the pastor has sinned. Because now they don’t have any where to hang their sins. They looking for him to be pure and holy so they can come in and undress and hang them all on him. Having him walking out loaded with all of their sins. The first time they hear that he has done something that he shouldn’t have they say "aw ain’t that a shame before God." Oh we got to get rid of him child. We got to get ourselves another pastor. I can’t use nobody no better off than I am. Well devil, all of us sin. It ain’t no easier for a preacher to get into Heaven than it is for you. We all just trying to make it in. You watch them coon dogs.

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