
Summary: Watch and Be Ready - 1 Timothy chapter 6 verses 1-21 - sermon by Gordon Curley. PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

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(1). Watch Your Motives (vs 1-2).

(2). Watch Your Attitudes (vs 3-5).

(3). Watch Your Values (vs 6-10 & 17-19).

(4). Watch Your Testimony (vs 11-16).

(5). Watch Your Stewardship (vs 20-21).



• The crowded cafeteria sported a large sign reading:

• “Watch Your Hat and your coat.”

• Two little boys were with their parents enjoying a drink;

• But one of the bots, called Bobby;

• Saw the sign and was determined to keep an eye on his coat.

• Every few moments he kept turning around to check,

• His little friend just kept on eating,

• Without a thought of his own coat on the hook.

• Finally the friend had had enough and said,

• “Bobby, you need to calm down. You can stop watching our coats.”

• Bobby replied

• “I’m only watching mine, yours has been gone for more than half an hour.”

• TRANSITION: This chapter is all about watching,

• Keeping a look out regarding certain areas of life.

(1). Watch Your Motives (vs 1-2).

“All who are under the yoke of slavery should consider their masters worthy of full respect, so that God’s name and our teaching may not be slandered. 2 Those who have believing masters should not show them disrespect just because they are fellow believers. Instead, they should serve them even better because their masters are dear to them as fellow believers and are devoted to the welfare of their slaves.”

• Slavery was an integral part of ancient life;

• It is estimated that there were 60 million slaves in the Roam Empire!

• Some commentators say;

• At least half of the people in the apostle Paul’s days were slaves.

• Many of them were well-educated people i.e. doctors & teachers;

• Who carried great responsibilities in the homes of the wealthy.

• In many homes,

• The slaves helped to educate and discipline the children.

When the gospel came to these cities and communities:

• Many slaves came to faith in Christ;

• But their masters often remained unbelievers.

• The temptation of Christian slaves was to say;

• We now have a different master called Jesus;

• And so they were tempted to become rebellious, or produce poor work.

• But not once in his writings did the apostle Paul ever advocate rebellion;

• Not once did he encourage slaves to overthrow the existing order.

• Even if they had a bad or evil master.

The apostle Paul had a bigger agenda than even slavery:

• It was to win the world for Christ;

• Because the way to change society is to change people,

• And ultimately the gospel would be a major player in the abolishment of slavery;

• Through Christians like David Livingstone and William Wilberforce.


• The advice that the apostle Paul gives to these slaves;

• We can apply today to employer and employee.

• The apostle Paul writes to them and tells them to show respect to their bosses.

• To be good workers and so to have a good testimony.


• The boss was concerned that his employees weren’t giving him enough respect,

• So he tried and old fashioned method of persuasion:

• He brought in a sign that said “I’m the Boss” and taped it to his door.

• After lunch, he noticed someone had taped another note under his.

• Which read: “Your wife called. She wants her sign back!”

The boss of every Christian is Jesus Christ:

• Our work is done; “As unto the Lord”

• “Work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”

• Colossians chapter 3 verse 23.

• Therefore a Christian worker ought to be the best worker on the job.

• A Christian worker ought to obey instructions and get on with their allotted task.

• A Christian worker ought to work well;

• Whether there is anybody watching them or not.


• A missionary was put in charge of supervising a group of natives on a work detail.

• He was frustrated because they were lazy;

• And worked only while he was watching them.

• When he left they would sit around and not work.

• The missionary had a glass eye so he decided he would try something.

• He took his glass eye out and sat it on a fence post

• And told the natives he would be watching them even when he was away.

• The missionary was thrilled it seemed to work well;

• Until one day he came back and saw them sitting around again.

• He looked over to the fence post;

• And saw that someone had put a hat over the eye.

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