
Warning to the Rich and Patience in Suffering

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
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Warn against the dangers of wealth and self-indulgence, while encouraging patience and perseverance in the face of suffering, as we await the Lord's return and judgment.


Good morning, church family! Today, we're going to dive into a passage from the book of James. In James 5:1-12, we find a warning for the rich, an encouragement for those suffering, and a reminder of God's judgment on the wicked.

As we begin to unpack these verses, let's keep in mind this thought from A.W. Tozer: "When I understand that everything happening to me is to make me more Christlike, it resolves a great deal of anxiety."

Let's read the full passage together:

[Read passage]

Let's open in prayer:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your Word that speaks truth and wisdom into our lives. As we explore this passage today, open our hearts and minds to receive Your message. Give us the courage and humility to apply it to our lives, and help us to grow in our faith and dependence on You. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Warning to the Rich

In James 5:1-6, we see a vivid picture of the consequences that await those who misuse their wealth and exploit others. This passage serves as a sobering warning to those who have been blessed with material abundance, urging them to use their resources wisely and with a heart for God's kingdom.

Wealth in and of itself is not inherently evil: Throughout Scripture, we see examples of godly men and women who were blessed with material possessions and used them for God's glory. Abraham, Job, and Lydia are just a few examples of individuals who were wealthy and yet remained faithful to the Lord. The issue at hand in this passage is not wealth itself, but rather the attitude and actions of those who possess it.

The fleeting nature of material wealth: In verses 2 and 3, James describes how the rich people's wealth has rotted, their clothes have been eaten by moths, and their gold and silver have corroded. These vivid images serve as a reminder that earthly possessions are temporary and can be lost or destroyed in an instant. This truth should cause us to evaluate our priorities and invest in things that have eternal value, rather than clinging to the fleeting treasures of this world.

The danger of hoarding wealth: In verse 3, James accuses the rich of hoarding their wealth in the last days. This is a strong indictment against those who selfishly accumulate possessions without considering the needs of others or the work of God's kingdom. Jesus himself warned against this attitude in the parable of the rich fool (Luke 12:16-21), where a wealthy man built bigger barns to store his surplus grain, only to die suddenly and face God's judgment. The lesson is clear: we are to be generous with our resources and use them to bless others and further God's kingdom, rather than hoarding them for ourselves.

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The exploitation of others: In verse 4, James condemns the rich for withholding wages from their workers and causing them to cry out in despair. This injustice has reached the ears of the Lord Almighty, who will hold the oppressors accountable for their actions. God cares deeply about the plight of the oppressed and will not ignore the cries of those who are mistreated. As believers, we must be diligent in ensuring that our wealth is not gained at the expense of others and that we treat all people with fairness and dignity.

The pursuit of luxury and self-indulgence: In verse 5, James accuses the rich of living in luxury and self-indulgence, fattening themselves in the day of slaughter. This image of self-centered indulgence stands in stark contrast to the sacrificial love and generosity that should characterize the life of a believer. Jesus himself modeled this selfless attitude when he left the riches of heaven to become poor for our sake (2 Corinthians 8:9). As followers of Christ, we are called to imitate his example and live lives marked by humility, generosity, and concern for the needs of others.

The condemnation and murder of the innocent: In verse 6, James accuses the rich of condemning and murdering innocent people who were not opposing them. This extreme example of injustice serves as a sobering reminder of the lengths to which some will go in their pursuit of wealth and power. As believers, we must be vigilant in standing against such evil and using our influence and resources to promote justice and righteousness in our world.

This passage is not meant to condemn all wealthy people or to suggest that poverty is inherently virtuous. Rather, it serves as a powerful reminder of the responsibilities and dangers that come with wealth. Those who have been blessed with material abundance must use their resources wisely, generously, and with a heart for God's kingdom, lest they fall into the traps of selfishness, exploitation, and injustice.

Pastor, here would be a good place to share a personal story about how you have witnessed or experienced the dangers of wealth and the importance of using our resources for God's glory.

Patient in Suffering

In the second part of this passage, James encourages believers to be patient in the midst of suffering ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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