Walking Worthy Of Your Call
Contributed by Chris Sparkman on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Salvation is more than just saying a prayer. Salvation involves living the faith we proclaim that we believe in.
Most of you know I am fascinated by numbers
As I was thinking and praying over the message; over walking worthy; I came across some interesting statistics:
Christians Rating Themselves
48% said they maintain healthy relationships
41% said they serve others first
37% said they consistently live out their faith
36% said they lead their families in worship
23% said they share their faith with others
Shocking…Surprise came next…when Asked if they would like to improve - said yes.
3% Relationships
4% Service
3% Living their faith
4% Worship
4% Sharing their faith
What a spiritual thermometer this data serves for us:
A. Basically over ½ of born-again believers are not imitating Christ
B. Only a small percentages are concerned with this travesty
What may surprise you even more is that apparently this is an ongoing…universal problem within the church
Paul addresses this for us in Ephesians 4:1-3
A. Paul encourages us (Implores) to walk in a manner worthy of our calling
1. Implore
A) Call to one’s aid
B) I am calling you because I want to help you
2. What is your greatest need?
A) Of course salvation
B) After - is to live as if you have received the gift of eternal life
3. Walk worthy
A) Living a godly life
1) Living your faith
2) 63% of all Christians say they do not do this on a consistent basis
B) Administering the gifts given
1) Serving others first
2) 59% of all Christians admit they do not do this
4. Paul, I am not showing this to condemn you
A) To encourage you
B) To get you on the right track
C) To get you walking worthy
B. The Results of walking worthy
1. Phil 1:27 - UNITY
A) Let your conversation (Life) be as it becomes the gospel of Christ
1) So that whether I am there or absent
2) I will hear about you
B) What is Paul longing to hear?
1) You are standing firm in one spirit
A. Phil 4:1 - stand firm in the Lord
B. How do we stand firm?
1. Phil 3:20,21
2. Keeping our eyes on Christ
3. This world is not our home
4. Christ will bring everything under His control
2) You are of one mind
A. I Cor 1:10
B. Speak the same thing (you all agree)
C. No division among you
D. Perfectly joined together
1. Same mind
2. Same judgmetn
E. Brethren
1. All Christians are apart of God’s family
2. We share a unity that runs deeper than flesh and blood
F. Does not require that we believe the same thing about everything
1. We will not agree on every matter
2. We must agree on what is important…Christ
3. Our union in Christ should take priority over our disagreements
3) You strive together for the faith
A. Jude 3
B. Earnestly contend for the faith
C. Strive to follow correct doctrine
1. Learn from the Bible
2. Truth in the Bible must not be compromised
A) Facts about God
B) Leads us to salvation
3. If we compromise the truth
A) We loose sight of the only path to eternal life
B) Walking worthy means standing firm in correct doctrine
2. Colossians 1:10 - WE MAY BE FRUITFUL
A) Jn 15:16
1) Christ chose and ordained you
2) So you may bring forth fruit
3) Bearing fruit brings with it a promise
A. If our fruit remains
B. We shall ask the Father…we shall receive
C. God answers the prayers of those who bear fruit…of those who walk worthy
B) 2 Cor 9:8
1) God will give you grace to do His will
2) His will for you?
A. Unbeliever - accept Christ
B. Believer - bring forth fruit
3) By His grace (which abounds)
A. We can become a child of God
B. Bring forth fruit
C) Hebrews 13:21
1) He will mature you (grow in Christ)
2) The work you do will be pleasing to Him
A. He’ll give you grace
B. You will bear fruit
C. He will receive the glory
1. Immature - look what I have done
2. Mature - Look what Christ is doing
3. I Thess 4:1 - ABUNDANT LIFE
A) I implore you to walk and to please God
B) So you will abound more and more
1) To super abound (above ordinary)
2) Super - above ordinary
The Bible is laced with conditional promises
A. God promises to work in your life
B. If you and I choose to do what is right
C. If we choose to walk worthy
1. Unity
2. Bring forth fruit
3. Abundant life
How would you rate yourself as a Christian?
A. Are you walking worthy?