
Summary: Thank you for joining the class: Walking on Water 101, if you’ll turn in your text book to Matt. 14:22-36.

Thank you for joining the class: Walking on Water 101, if you’ll turn in your text book to Matt. 14:22-36.

Joe and James went duck hunting and they were both bragging about their hunting dogs, so Joe shot a duck first and before it hit the water his dog jumped up in the air and caught in his mouth, he said, “Well what think about that?“ James said, “That’s pretty good, now watch my dog!“ He shot a duck and it landed in the water and his dog took off and walked on top of the water and picked the duck up and walked back to the shore and laid the duck down beside his master. James said, “What think about my dog?“ Joe answered, “I don‘t know if I would want a dog that couldn’t swim!”

Jesus puts them in a ship, because He wants real worshippers and if you are going to be a real worshipper, you are going to have to go thru some diffuclt times in your life!

Human relationships

Marriage Partnership

Church Membership ..... All of these have storms, good days and bad days!

Two kinds of storms:

1-Storms of Correction· Jonah-God disciplines

2—Storms of Perfection—Disciples—God is teaching them!

Storms come to make us realize that we are not in control!

A lady told the policeman, "It was awful. I ran off the street, hit a mailbox, ran over a bicycle, came back on the road and hit 2 cars and then I lost control!

Before they saw Him, He had seen them! Mark 6:48-Then He saw them straining at rowing, for the wind was against them.

They didn’t reconize who He was!

How Many Times Does That Happen To Us?

Jesus is speaking to us, ·trying to reach us and we don’t recognize who He is, are what He is doing!

Verse 27- It is I

The Great I Am, I Am whatever your storm requires! I Am whatever you need!

You have a storm in your life and you lost you way and need direction-Jesus says, I Am the Way!

You knew everything and now your not sure of anything-Jesus says, I Am the Truth!

You‘ve had the storm of sickness, that is what your focus is on but Jesus says—Jesus says, I Am the Life!

Verse 28—30~He took his eyes off of Jesus.

Rich Texas oilman had a big party for daughter and invited all the young single men in the county, he line them on one side and him and his daughter stood on the other side and between them was a pool full of crocodiles, he said, “Whoever can swim over here can marry my daughter.” Just then he heard a splash and a young man was swimming as fast as he could and got to the other side climbed out of the pool. The rich Texan said, “Well, son you want to marry my daughter?” The young man replied, “No sir, I want the one who pushed me!”

Nobody who takes their eyes off of Jesus, no matter how great their faith maybe, or how long they have walked with Jesus, will continue to do great things with God if they take their eyes off of Him.

Verse 31-32-The focus usely is: Peter tried and failed! But the truth is he was willing, he wanted to be close to Jesus, he wanted to test his faith, he wanted to do great things for Jesus.

How many of us are like the ones sitting in the boat. So scared of failing that we don’t try!

That’s when we fail, when we don’t try!!!

When does Jesus help when we cry out to Him .... Immediately!

He has to wait on us to cry out to Him!

Who caught who?

The storm gone why? God, thru the storm had taught them some lessons, it was no longer needed.

They had found a new awe and respect for Jesus!

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