
Summary: the power of God in us

Intro: a man bought a very expensive Porsche that was known to go 200 miles and hour or better. A man on a moped pulled up next to him and said, mind if I take a look inside. The man said sure. To show off a little when the light went green he pushed on the gas and his Porsche in no time was going 100, but to his surprise the man on his moped was right on his bumper, so he gunned it to 150 but still couldn’t shake the man on his moped. He finally floored it and was going over 200 miles an hour but couldn’t shake the man on his moped. So he decided to stop and ask the man how could it be. But when he stopped the man on his moped slammed into him. He ran back and asked the man if he could do anything for him. He said, if you wouldn’t mind, would you unloose my suspenders from your sideview mirror.

As Christians we are suppose to operate in supernatural power, tonight, let’s revisit Peter walking on the water and follow these few steps to supernatural power in Christ.

Matthew 14:22-36

1. v.26 and they cried out in fear---the first thing that will block a supernatural life is fear. Fear is a robber of blessing, fear is what blocks people from moving out for God.

a. God hasn’t given a spirit of fear.

b. Fear has torment, it stops people in their tracks.

c. Until you overcome fear, it will keep you chained.

2. v.28—bid me come—we see two important forces operating here, faith and desire. Peter first of all believed that he could walk on the water. And he had a desire to step out for God.

a. you will never experience the supernatural until you believe for it.

b. You will never experience anything from God until that becomes the desire and passion of your life.

3. v.29—activation—he stepped out onto the water. Faith isn’t theory, faith is action. You have to step out to step in. You have to move first, so that God can move next.

a. the testing of your faith—your faith must be tried to be proven.

4. v.30-31—keep your eyes on Jesus not the storm. Part of walking in supernatural power is not looking at the circumstance, not looking at the obstacle, but looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

5. v.33—all miracles, all signs and wonders, all supernatural events, are for the sole purpose of Christ being magnified. The next truth about walking in the supernatural power of God, is that everything is to bring glory to God.

The vessel isn’t as important as the ointment, the messenger not as important as the message.

6. v.34—and when they had gone over—the last key about walking in supernatural power is this: if you won’t let your faith waver, if you won’t be weary in well doing, everything is going to turn out right.

I’ve got a feeling, everything’s going to be all right.

So many times people let go of faith, and power, right when they need it most. Your faith doesn’t need to be strongest in the good times, the blessed times, it needs to hold up when you go through the fire, when you go through the flood.

Close: tonight: let’s operate in the supernatural power of God.

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