
Summary: Walking in His fullness is a journey of intimacy with God, submission to His will, and living in the power of His Word and Spirit.

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By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:

Ephesians 3:19 – "And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God."

Supporting Texts:

Colossians 2:9-10

John 1:16

Romans 8:9-11

2 Peter 1:3-4

John 14:12


Walking in His fullness means living a life that is complete and fully saturated with God's presence, power, and nature. It is not a limited experience but a continuous journey where believers enjoy the totality of God's blessings, grace, and character. As Christians, we are called to experience and manifest the fullness of God in every area of our lives, living in the overflow of His divine attributes. This study examines what it means to walk in God’s fullness, the characteristics of such a life, and how we can practically attain this level of spiritual maturity.


Walking in God's fullness means being completely filled with His nature and living in alignment with His divine will.

a) Fullness of His Presence: To walk in God’s fullness is to experience the manifest presence of God daily (Psalm 16:11).

b) Fullness of His Power: Walking in His fullness means operating in divine power for signs, wonders, and miracles (John 14:12).

c) Fullness of His Love: This fullness includes being saturated with God's love, which transforms and renews us (Ephesians 3:19).

d) Fullness of His Word: Living in the fullness of God means living out His Word and seeing it produce results in our lives (Colossians 3:16).

e) Fullness of His Grace: Walking in God's fullness enables us to experience the abundance of His grace and mercy (John 1:16).

Biblical Example:

Jesus Christ is the perfect example of someone who walked in the fullness of God. In Colossians 2:9, it says, "For in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." Christ demonstrated the power, love, and presence of God in everything He did.


Certain traits are evident in the life of someone who walks in the fullness of God.

a) Spiritual Authority: Believers walking in God's fullness operate in authority over spiritual forces (Luke 10:19).

b) Divine Wisdom: A life lived in God's fullness is marked by wisdom that comes from above, enabling believers to make sound decisions (James 1:5).

c) Unshakable Faith: Walking in God's fullness requires unwavering faith in His promises, no matter the circumstances (Hebrews 11:1).

d) Manifestation of Spiritual Gifts: The gifts of the Spirit—healing, prophecy, tongues—flow freely in a life filled with God's fullness (1 Corinthians 12:7-11).

e) Victory Over Sin: Living in His fullness gives us the strength to overcome temptation and sin (Romans 8:13).

Biblical Example:

In Acts 6:8, Stephen, who was "full of faith and power," performed great wonders and signs among the people. His life reflected the fullness of God in power and wisdom, even in the face of persecution.


There are steps every believer can take to walk in the fullness of God.

a) Seek Intimacy with God: A close relationship with God through prayer and fellowship allows us to experience His fullness (Jeremiah 29:13).

b) Be Filled with the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is the key to walking in God’s fullness. We must continually seek to be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18).

c) Meditate on the Word of God: The more we immerse ourselves in God’s Word, the more we can walk in His fullness (Joshua 1:8).

d) Live a Life of Worship: Worship draws us into God’s presence, where His fullness is manifested (John 4:24).

e) Yield to God’s Will: Total submission to God's will and purpose aligns us with His fullness (Luke 22:42).

Biblical Example:

The early disciples in the book of Acts demonstrated how to walk in God’s fullness. They were constantly filled with the Holy Spirit, devoting themselves to prayer and the Word, and as a result, they manifested the power and wisdom of God.


Living in the fullness of God brings incredible benefits that impact every area of our lives.

a) Supernatural Breakthroughs: Those who walk in God’s fullness experience breakthroughs in difficult situations (Philippians 4:13).

b) Divine Health: The fullness of God brings healing and divine health to the believer (Isaiah 53:5).

c) Unstoppable Joy and Peace: Walking in His fullness fills us with joy and peace beyond human understanding (Philippians 4:7).

d) Fruitfulness in All Areas: Those who live in God's fullness are fruitful in their work, relationships, and ministry (John 15:5).

e) Eternal Reward: Walking in God’s fullness ensures a life that pleases God and earns eternal rewards (2 Timothy 4:7-8).

Biblical Example:

Paul the Apostle, despite his trials, walked in God’s fullness, accomplishing great feats for the kingdom of God. In 2 Timothy 4:7-8, he speaks of the reward awaiting him for having lived a life fully committed to God.

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