
Walking in a New Season

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 5, 2024
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Encourages embracing new seasons in life with faith, trusting in God's guidance, and actively participating in His divine plan.


Welcome, beloved congregation, to this gathering of hearts, a gathering where we come together in unity and love to seek the wisdom and guidance of our Heavenly Father. We stand on the precipice of a new season, a season that is ripe with potential, pregnant with promise, and teeming with the possibility of divine blessings. It is a season that beckons us to hope, to heed, and to harvest.

Let us turn our hearts and minds to the profound wisdom found in Ecclesiastes 3:1,

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens."

This verse is a gentle yet powerful reminder of the divine order that governs our lives, the ebb and flow of seasons that God has orchestrated in His infinite wisdom and love.

In this new season, we are called to harness hope, to heed God's guidance, and to harvest blessings. We are not mere spectators, but active participants in God's grand design. We are not simply carried along by the currents of time, but we are called to swim in the river of God's will, to navigate the waters of His purpose for us.

Harnessing Hope

As we stand on the precipice of a new season, we find ourselves filled with a sense of anticipation, a sense of expectancy. This is a time of hope. Hope is not just a feeling, it is a force, a powerful force that propels us forward, that fuels our faith, that fortifies our resolve. It is a force that we need to harness, to channel, to utilize in our walk with God.

Hope is like a seed: It needs to be planted, it needs to be nurtured, it needs to be cultivated. We plant the seed of hope in our hearts when we believe in God's promises, when we trust in His goodness, when we rely on His faithfulness. We nurture this seed of hope when we feed it with the Word of God, when we water it with prayer, when we expose it to the light of God's love. We cultivate this seed of hope when we weed out doubt, when we prune fear, when we protect it from the pests of pessimism and negativity.

The season we are stepping into is a season of hope: It is a season where we are called to harness this hope, to channel it into our thoughts, our words, our actions. It is a season where we are called to let this hope shine brightly, to let it illuminate our path, to let it guide our steps. It is a season where we are called to let this hope be the anchor of our souls, the compass of our hearts, the beacon of our lives.

A time and season: The Scripture in Ecclesiastes reminds us that there is a time and a season for everything under the heavens. This is our time, this is our season, to harness hope. This is our time, this is our season, to let hope be the driving force in our lives. This is our time, this is our season, to let hope shape our destiny, to let hope determine our direction, to let hope define our decisions.

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Understanding its power: Hope is not just a passive feeling, it is an active force. It is a force that can move mountains, that can part seas, that can calm storms. It is a force that can heal wounds, that can mend hearts, that can restore relationships. It is a force that can break chains, that can set captives free, that can bring light into darkness. Understanding the power of hope is the first step in harnessing it.

Nurturing it: Hope, like a seed, needs to be nurtured. It needs to be fed with the Word of God, it needs to be watered with prayer, it needs to be exposed to the light of God's love. Nurturing hope is not a one-off event, it is a continuous process. It is a process that requires time, effort, and commitment. It is a process that requires patience, perseverance, and persistence.

Channeling it: Hope is not meant to be hoarded, it is meant to be shared. It is meant to be channeled into our thoughts, our words, our actions. It is meant to be a driving force in our lives, a guiding light in our path, a beacon of hope in our world. Channeling hope is not just about having it, it is about living it, it is about embodying it, it is about radiating it.

Protecting it: Hope, like a precious jewel, needs to be protected. It needs to be guarded against the thieves of doubt, fear, and negativity. It needs to be shielded from the storms of life, the trials of faith, the challenges of the journey. Protecting hope is not just about preserving it, it is about strengthening it, it is about fortifying it, it is about reinforcing it.

Heeding God's Guidance

As we step into this new season, we are called to heed God's guidance ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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